I figured Gleba would have ore deposits too for the infrastructure, but didn't know they would be super rich but small (I mostly don't go on reddit either). But thanks for clarifying that.CyberCider wrote: Tue Jun 11, 2024 6:12 amI feel like you may be getting things slightly backwards with this “permanent benefit” stuff. The expansion will be pretty different from Space Exploration, in that you will be largely discouraged from transporting raw resources between planets. Making all those rockets to deliver something you don’t really *need* to deliver would be quite a waste of the local resources. Imagine how much scrap you would need to assmble a rocket to Nauvis, all to deliver some oil that Nauvis already has plenty of. Every planet has “infinite” resources of its own if you continue to expand a little, the rockets are for delivering special, exclusive things that only those planets can provide. The real “permanent benefits” will be the new buildings and technologies unlocked on the planets. The big drill to extend the life of your ore patches, the foundry to give you more smelting productivity, the electromagnetic plant to give you more circuit productivity…Anima117 wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 6:41 am
I mean more in terms of permanent benefits. What I consider a permanent benefit is for example, Vulcanus' infinite supply of stone, iron ore and copper ore. The utility of that is that if you were to run out of iron, copper, or stone on Nauvis, and somehow couldn't get to a nearby patch right now, you could use Vulcanus as a permanent supply of the stuff.
Same for Fulgora having an infinite source of oil. Oil is already technically infinite in Factorio, but not at a steady rate. While I presume Fulgora's supply wont be "as good" as the supply on Nauvis (as in, transport logistics from planet to planet is gonna be painful), but you could theorically use it to supply Nauvis.
And you could also supply to other planets. Imagine Gleba has no iron, copper, and stone deposits. I don't think they'd do that because I'm fairly certain they intend for you to not get softlocked should something bad happen on a planet and you probably can't transport ressources until you reach rockets again, but imagine they did something like that. But already Vulcanus to Fulgora basic ressource transportation is a good idea given Fulgora works by recyling trash. Having a space platform do trips from Vulcanus to Fulgora with infinite ressources would eventually solve most of Fulgora's problems so you can keep farming the rest of the stuff in peace.
Anyway, my point remains, asside from expanding your ressources, I do wonder if Gleba will bring something else than just the bioflux and carbon fiber (Which are going to be this planet's main export, just like Vulcanus gets Tungsten, and Fulgora gets Holmium) in the same sense that the other two planets get a bonus addition of a ressource being farmable to infinity.
Also, I think you may have missed a detail in the Vulcanus fff. Vulcanus doesn’t give you infinite iron, copper and stone. Lava may be infinite, but to process it into useful materials you need calcite, and calcite is a finite ore like everything else. Also, like you said, Nauvis already has infinite oil. But Nauvis has crude oil while Fulgora has heavy oil, and crude is a lot “denser” than heavy.
Regarding Gleba, believe it or not, we have a surprising amount of information on its ore situation. Kovarex revealed a lot in a reddit comment:
1) Gleba has patches of iron, copper and stone
2) They are small in size, but extremely rich. You won’t worry about depleting them, you will worry about their low total output.
3) Except you won’t, really, none of the Gleba-exclusive processing uses any minable resources whatsoever, only renewables. The ores will be going into rocket launches and infrastructure only.
As for the whole infinite ressource thing, I get that calcite is not infinite, but it would be one deposit getting farmed vs having to go to other patches of ore. Also I am of course not talking about regular gameplay, as obviously there would be no need to go bring stuff from one planet to the other just for this when ressources are clearly not an issue otherwise (I mean, when do you deplete a deposit outside of your game start deposit in regular play? That's kinda rare), but more so as a "I'm done with this save, but want to building a needlessly complex super factory". That or for some stupid challenge runs. I can imagine a few people would be happy to just complete the expansion in a 15 tile stripe, sending processed ressources from another planet could be a fun idea to them.