This FFF makes me think that I have some trouble sometimes with search function.
When I add a mod (new, or not), I always (ish) change its options and shortcuts.
But, searching with the mod's name isn't possible and option's & shortcut's names are not always similar enough to simply use a Ctrl+F (plus, we don't know these names when its a new mod). So I need to scroll down until I find the mod's name in bold.
When we have a lot of mods, it's kind of tedious. Especially when we change a setting and we are not happy of this after all.
Sometimes (in shortcuts option), I fold some categories to more easily get the part I need to find ("mods"). But when it's starting to be the third time in a row, I just scroll down vaguely and scroll up/down again because it bothers me to fold again and again x)
I always have the fuzzy search checked. It is easier to search things quickly without typing the whole thing.
But, sometimes I would like to not use this, and be able to disable this on the fly, just for a few search without to uncheck and re-check this option (which I don't do, since it's more complicate then writing correctly what i'm looking for ^^)
I'll be happy to have, even a tiny change like this:
- mod: awesome mod name to find all of option/shortcut related to this mod
- "exact match" to ignore fuzzy search