In fact, I'd imagine the noisiest thing about vehicles at higher speeds is the rolling noise from the tires

Would love to see the dev team's take on this.
Technically, to keep a vehicle going at the max possible speed the engine can push it, you'd need to keep the engine going at its max possible speed (unless there are other limiters involved, like a governor).hexagon wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 4:14 am I've always found it weird that the vehicles sounds get higher pitched as you go faster. I mean, it makes sense as you're accelerating more, but once the vehicle has to stop working as hard to get to its desired velocity, you'd expect it to get less noisy.
In fact, I'd imagine the noisiest thing about vehicles at higher speeds is the rolling noise from the tires
Would love to see the dev team's take on this.
That may be the pneumatic brake that release pressure ? like the first 3 second of this :GROOV3ST3R_ wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 5:59 pm that "psst" sound (anyone who has ever lived near a railway or even been to a train station will know what I mean) preceding a train approaching from a distance when standing near a railway track could be a fantastic addition, both for immersion sake as well as an audible cue for player to warn them of an approaching vehicle
But would a factorio train have a horn or a whistle?Justderpingalong wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 12:28 pm Oh and lastly (and certainly most importantly), can we get horns?! If only just for manual use, I wanna beep at the biters! (Also could include an automatic horn that plays if a player is close to train tracks whilst a train is approaching... then again making deaths by your own trains more easily avoidable sounds like a bad thing if only because of how funny it is)
Is it just me, or does that mean a lot more entities, which needs to be calculated and drag UPS down?I then realised that we could have invisible creatures, for example small non-hostile alien birds in the trees
There are no actual entities for the ambient critters.SilentStorm wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 2:29 pm Is it just me, or does that mean a lot more entities, which needs to be calculated and drag UPS down?
As for the ambientnoisesound, I trust they can be controlled/disabled separately? Because I feel like that is going to become annoying rather quickly
Who cares about UPS, this is improving the game massively.SilentStorm wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 2:29 pmIs it just me, or does that mean a lot more entities, which needs to be calculated and drag UPS down?I then realised that we could have invisible creatures, for example small non-hostile alien birds in the trees
As for the ambientnoisesound, I trust they can be controlled/disabled separately? Because I feel like that is going to become annoying rather quickly
More context is always helpful to me !Tertius wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 3:31 pm I admit I might be more sensitive than the average player, but I would really appreciate if repetitive sounds are not played continuously. If ambient and environment sound get lower the longer they are played.
Also, its impact on UPS will likely be minimal. While not clear in the FFF, I'd imagine that sound effects are entirely local (e.g. on a multiplayer server, this will not affect the server's performance), and only limited to where the player is (and looking through remote view). This means relatively few entities will be producing sounds at any given time, regardless of the size of your base. Remember, logistics, assemblers, inserters, etc. all needs to be handled even when you aren't looking, sounds... not so much.Panzerknacker wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 11:03 pmWho cares about UPS, this is improving the game massively.SilentStorm wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 2:29 pmIs it just me, or does that mean a lot more entities, which needs to be calculated and drag UPS down?I then realised that we could have invisible creatures, for example small non-hostile alien birds in the trees
As for the ambientnoisesound, I trust they can be controlled/disabled separately? Because I feel like that is going to become annoying rather quickly
It's different for me. Did you ever work in an open-plan office with air conditioning? You don't really hear the air conditioning, but sometimes the air conditioning stops working. Then everybody looks up: "Oh, what a silence". It's as if some pressure is taken away from you. You hear people shuffling their feet at the other end of the office you don't usually hear. Now it is REALLY silent, and for a short time you work lighter, easier. Then the air conditioning continues and the feeling vanishes.mmmPI wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2024 7:56 am but i know that feel of "disturbing carpet of noise" you describe. When focusing on combinators or trains things, more than during combat or building that can happen to me. Things need be silent for no distractions
Yes that is a different phenomenon, to me i think that's when the water heater stops or start its heating cycle at night, or the leafblower from the park outside through closed window, not very loud, but when it's over it's suddenly much better and it's the moment of realization that the noise was there. I don't have experience of "office air conditionner", so i can only imagine.Tertius wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2024 1:17 pm It's different for me. Did you ever work in an open-plan office with air conditioning? You don't really hear the air conditioning, but sometimes the air conditioning stops working. Then everybody looks up: "Oh, what a silence". It's as if some pressure is taken away from you. You hear people shuffling their feet at the other end of the office you don't usually hear. Now it is REALLY silent, and for a short time you work lighter, easier. Then the air conditioning continues and the feeling vanishes.
That make sense but yeah very different for me : I remember spending some time setting those value, but now i don't remember what is game effect or simulation or environment. Alert is the the one that made me change the default at first. And also for multiplayer there is a tickbox to make the chat message silent that is important i think.Tertius wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2024 1:17 pm All that looped continuous sound in Factorio is like that air conditioning for me. If I change from factory inside to open land, I welcome a sound change. But after a few minutes, I don't need the sound any more - it becomes noise. If I go back, I welcome the new sound from manufacturing machines, but as before, only for a few minutes before it again becomes noise.