We support Ukraine

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by TheKillerChicken »

The problem with this war is that it is causing the global economy to melt like magma. I will not take sides, but hope this madness will end soon. There is one thing people fail to figure out, and that is we have primordial instinct of war, survival, hunt, gather, construct. While war is unfortunate, it will never leave our primordial genes.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by mmmPI »

TheKillerChicken wrote:
Mon Feb 06, 2023 5:20 am
The problem with this war is that it is causing the global economy to melt like magma. I will not take sides, but hope this madness will end soon. There is one thing people fail to figure out, and that is we have primordial instinct of war, survival, hunt, gather, construct. While war is unfortunate, it will never leave our primordial genes.
Hey the human instinct is also love or "reproduction", social structure and empathy not only paranaoia, violence, and agression.

It is unfortunate some people do not realize genes are just a lame excuse for not being the better you! humans are given many choices in their life even if they have the same genes, they do not activate them the same way given their actions :)

I think you are incorrect with "war" being a primordial instinct, war require social structures, otherwise it's just a 1V1, it would be more like a murder. War is an abomination for it is perverting the patiently assembled structures by humans to turn them into death machines. War is not as present in primordial gene as peace or cooperation, sharing and caring in that regard, i think humans are capable of choosing their actions and have found ways to resist their instinct of violence in order to gather in groups,and only later those group turning violent against each other is a war, it seem to me like a regression, something backward , a "madness" i agree with your word, that can only occur when an already established human structure loses its memory of who they are and why they are together, it is not "primordial" like survival, hunt.

And i also think the main problem of the war is people dying, and that the economy is just something that is supposed to help people live better which has no purpose if people are dead. The economy also suffer from instability, when there is no war but tensions going up and down and business are not allowed to plan long term without gambling.

Be careful on threads not called "we support Ukraine", as calling the special military operation a war is already "taking a side" according to what i heard at the UN last year as the representative of Ukraine and all the other countries was calling it a war too unlike the representative of the 4 countries that voted against the resolution who used euphemisms or periphrasis such as "special military operation". There's this saying that in a war , the first casualties is the truth, and this is for everyone, not just the people involved.

Have a good day you seem to need it :)

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by enterisys »

TheKillerChicken wrote:
Mon Feb 06, 2023 5:20 am
The problem with this war is that it is causing the global economy to melt like magma. I will not take sides, but hope this madness will end soon. There is one thing people fail to figure out, and that is we have primordial instinct of war, survival, hunt, gather, construct. While war is unfortunate, it will never leave our primordial genes.
Notwithstanding a projected contraction of GDP in the fourth quarter, the momentum from 2021 and strong growth in the first half of the year are set to lift real GDP growth in 2022 as a whole to 3.3% in the EU - well above the 2.7% projection of the Summer interim Forecast (SiF). Inflation also continued to surprise on the upside. Accelerating and broadening price pressures in the first ten months of the year have moved the expected inflation peak to the fourth quarter of this year and lifted the yearly inflation rate projection to 9.3% in the EU and 8.5% in the euro area, about one percentage point higher than what was expected in the SiF.

The contraction of economic activity is set to continue in the first quarter of next year. The EU and euro area, and most Member States, are therefore expected to experience a technical recession this winter. Growth would return in spring, as inflation progressively relaxes its grip on the economy. However, with powerful headwinds still holding back demand, the EU economy is set to manage only lacklustre growth. For 2023 as a whole, this forecast projects real GDP growth in both the EU and euro area at 0.3% - well below the 1.5% and 1.4% expected in the SiF.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by enterisys »

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by mmmPI »

What you do when you are young though ....
https://twitter.com/Biz_Ukraine_Mag/sta ... 5664790528

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by Djmixxx »

Fake taxi by Ukraine.
1676110810134494729.png (652.36 KiB) Viewed 5750 times
I think your are confusing my opinion with the truth.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by enterisys »


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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by Djmixxx »

Президент Володимир Зеленський вважає, що Україна не може, як Росія, "заганяти людей палками" на війну. Про це Зеленський сказав на брифінгу у Брюсселі, відповідаючи на питання про випадки ухилення чоловіків від служби в армії та можливості мобізації українців для відсічі ворога, передають Українськi Новини.
"Ми демократична держава і ми повинні розвиватися. Ми не можемо показувати приклад, як Росія, заганяти когось палками на війну. Ми не така держава, тому що це парадокс. Ми воюємо за цінності європейські і ми хочемо бути членом Європейського Союзу, тому навіть воювати нам потрібно з такими цінностями", - сказав він.
https://ukranews.com/ua/news/914107-ukr ... ilizatsiyu

Use translator. Zelinsky can only be quoted in Ukrainian.

Meanwhile in Odessa.
244.jpg (755.65 KiB) Viewed 5638 times
I think your are confusing my opinion with the truth.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by mmmPI »

Djmixxx wrote:
Fri Feb 17, 2023 8:19 pm
Use translator. Zelinsky can only be quoted in Ukrainian.
Look :
Wagner Founder Prigozhin Admits He Was Behind Russia's Infamous Troll Farms
https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/02/ ... rms-a80228
The once publicity-averse founder of Russia's Wagner mercenary group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, has for the first time confirmed the widespread belief that he also founded the Internet Research Agency, better known as the network of troll farms used to push Kremlin propaganda narratives around the globe over the past decade.

"I was never just a financier of the Internet Research Agency. I invented it, I created it, I ran it for a long time," Prigozhin told journalists from Germany's Der Spiegel magazine, adding that he had set the organization up "to protect the Russian information space from boorish, aggressive anti-Russian propaganda by the West."

Prigozhin's candid admission — not dissimilar to the one he made in September when he finally confirmed that he had founded the Wagner group — is surprising given that he has taken legal action against multiple journalists and media outlets who have referred to him in connection to Russian troll farms in the past.
that's like you, i made a compilation :
Djmixxx wrote:
Thu Apr 21, 2022 8:59 pm
you got me. I get money for posts here and send them to volunteers in Ukraine.
Djmixxx wrote:
Sun Mar 06, 2022 9:45 am
There are no random people on this forum. Only the fans of the game.
Djmixxx wrote:
Mon Mar 07, 2022 12:22 pm
As main russian bot there I am completely support you. This thread need to close.
troll.png (18.73 KiB) Viewed 5623 times

Amongst other attempt at spreading misinformation, misrepresentation, or straight up lies, you said this one :
Djmixxx wrote:
Fri Aug 05, 2022 4:34 am
Given that my gas bill is now 340 euros instead of 76 euros a year earlier, everything is fine in Russia with money, don't worry.
What is your opinion now ?

https://www.ft.com/content/3def31b3-ca3 ... 08ac6dfb44

Russia’s budget deficit soars as energy revenues slump by almost half

Russia’s budget deficit reached Rbs1.76tn ($25bn) in January as the Kremlin boosted defence spending and western sanctions began to hit the country’s oil and gas revenue.

The official figures are the latest sign of the damage the invasion of Ukraine continues to wreak on the economy nearly a year into president Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Revenue from oil and gas fell 46 per cent year on year to Rbs426bn, the finance ministry said on Monday, blaming the drop on falling prices for Urals, its main crude export blend, and a decline in natural gas exports. Urals has traded at a significant discount to the global Brent benchmark since the conflict began in late February 2022.

Expenditure ballooned 59 per cent year on year to Rbs3.12tn in January 2023, amid largely classified plans to increase defence spending to Rbs3.5tn this year. Ukrainian officials have warned in recent days that they believe Russia is set to launch a major offensive in the coming weeks to mark the first anniversary of the conflict.

Do you think the russian aggression will continue for long time ?

https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ru ... 023-02-09/
MOSCOW, Feb 9 (Reuters) - Russia's Wagner mercenary group has stopped recruiting prisoners to fight in Ukraine, Wagner's founder Yevgeny Prigozhin said on Thursday.

Wagner began recruiting prisoners in Russia's sprawling penal system in summer 2022, with Prigozhin, a catering entrepreneur who served nine years in prison during the Soviet Union, offering convicts a pardon if they survived six months in Ukraine.

Wagner has not provided information on how many convicts joined its ranks, but Russian penal service figures published in November showed the country's prison population dropping by over 20,000 between August and November, the largest drop in over a decade.

It seem like the new argument from your boss is to pretend the video of decapitation with hammer he posted last year didn't happen, it was just a joke to motivate the conscript a little, are you convinced ? what is your official position ? How do you think it compares with the picture you repeatdly post ?

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by enterisys »

Djmixxx wrote:
Fri Feb 17, 2023 8:19 pm
Meanwhile in Odessa.
Meanwhile what?

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by enterisys »

You can't fall from the window if you can't fit through the window.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by enterisys »

Armata production line invented a new tank protection layer in past 3 years - industrial dust.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by ptx0 »

be careful guys or the russian bot will post more out-of-context images again

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by mmmPI »

I don't think one should refrain from expressing support to a victim of agression because the aggressor post pictures on the internet trying to jusify his actions.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by enterisys »


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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by ptx0 »

enterisys wrote:
Thu Feb 23, 2023 2:47 pm
that sounds very farmiliar

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by vladimir_putin »

Day 485 of 3 day special operation. I am mining a nuclear power plant and tomorrow, i will welcome African leaders who will brooker peace between me and Wagner traitors.
Former model and currently table-connoisseur. I here for intelligent discussion with fellow lovers of the factory computer game.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by vladimir_putin »

Day 486 of 3 day special operation. During the night, russian army destroyed 200 wagner armada t14 tanks, thereby putting an end to minor personel matter involving unnamed catering service owner.
Everything going to plan. My body double will resume public duties unless he has defected, and Russian internet shut down due to lack of news.
Former model and currently table-connoisseur. I here for intelligent discussion with fellow lovers of the factory computer game.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by enterisys »

Last active: Sun Jul 02, 2023 12:38 pm

Hey, orkbot.
We know you checking on this.
When is fresh propaganda surfacing? I'm getting bored here....

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by epr »

Congratulations to the slava ukraini guys. You did it!
Assuming the senseless demographic destruction of ukraine was your goal all along, of course.



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