I'd love to live in a cozy world where everyone that disagreed with me was the enemy. I'm not Russian lol.enterisys wrote: βSun Jun 05, 2022 11:15 amAgain wrong - russian reports can't come from Ukraine because russian so called military journalists are not allowed to come to Ukraine.Rubeus wrote: βSun Jun 05, 2022 2:20 am Big bad Ruskibotβ’ and apparently serial liar here. (Note to mmmPI's comment about grain prices: look up something other than grain - which is more directly impacted. Here's one: https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/rice Note the continuing price increase since 2019. How about potatoes now? https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/WPU01130603 But... I'm lying about that, too. The graphs are Russian propaganda!)
Where do reports from Ukraine come from? Ukraine, Russia, and independent journalists.
It leaves us to Ukrainian media which you obv don't read and international media which gains nothing from reporting anything but news.
Yet you choose to copy-pazste russian military media and accept it as fact without of your "grain of salt".
Yes, Ukraine is censoring facebook/twitter/youtube/etc, keep on believing. Wasn't it your motherland that banned such resources?Rubeus wrote: βSun Jun 05, 2022 2:20 am The independent journalists are dismissed as an unreliable source. That's understandable, but it limits sources to the other 2.
Russian news is considered propaganda and censored, as someone pointed out, across Europe and in many other places.
The Ukranian news agencies, as well as Axios, Reuters, etc that provide the international news to others get their news through Ukraine. Ukraine is censoring everything they consider propaganda.
Therefore, yes: Everything across the world in regards to Ukraine is potentially Ukrainian propaganda. It's absolutely ridiculous to think otherwise.
As I said, it all needs to be taken with a grain of salt.
The international media outlets get their reports from Ukraine. Read the articles - the source is always Ukrainian officials. Stop saying Ukraine isn't publishing propaganda - it would be as foolish as saying Russia doesn't.
Am I twisting your reply? You've never defended Ukraine, only talked about how Russia should be stopped. Is that not your opinion? If not, you need to do a better job of explaining why we should support Ukraine.enterisys wrote: βSun Jun 05, 2022 11:15 amI believe in transformers, but my beliefs are not of your consern as well as twisting my replies.Rubeus wrote: βSun Jun 05, 2022 2:20 am So, you believe Russia is the enemy and want to stop them. Thank you for clarifying that position. So, rather than "support Ukraine", you want to "Stop Russia". That is an important distinction - but I can respect that.
But here's the part that bothers me about it: right now, "Supporting Ukraine" means sending them money and weapons. This isn't going to win a war - only prolong. If it meant the international community was banding together to stop it with overwhelming force? That would be a different conversation entirely. Surely you agree on this point?
Again google what war means and how WW2 was stopped. Google land lease to russia during WW2 and make your own conclusion whether russia would loose twice as many people if not for help of US to your country.
You keep dismissing everything Russia says while taking ukraine(see, I can not capitalize a proper name as well) at their word, dismissing any idea that they are producing propaganda just the same as Russia. And if you apply that very own propaganda to ukraine it will look move worse in ukraine than in Russia.enterisys wrote: βSun Jun 05, 2022 11:15 amBut it clearly the case because you keep avoiding replying about obvious fact - you copy paste russian military propaganda without applying your own "grain of salt". And if you apply that very own propaganda to russia it will look much much worse in russia than in Ukraine.Rubeus wrote: βSun Jun 05, 2022 2:20 am PS: I've been insulted along the way the whole time as a Russian bot and a liar. To whine about me calling out a statement as dumb is a little childish, don't you think? And you know what? I'll do it again: mmmPI trying to use 1 graph of 1 commodity price to tell me what my market is doing - despite taking the time to educate - and calling me a liar for it is a fantastically foolhardy thing to do. Wait, no, it's lying. Yes: it's a flat out lie. (I can sling lying allegations, too.)