We support Ukraine

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by gGeorg »

FactorioBot wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 10:50 am https://factorio.com/blog/post/we-support-ukraine
Please, keep the discussions about the world events (if you can't help it) specifically in threads related to this post, as we want to keep the rest of the forum on topic,
I would like to discuss, but I am not allowed.
As a citiizen of Czech rep., I would face a prosecution for expressing my feelings about the event.
As long as the highest czech judge officially announced/offered up to 3 years in jail for wrong comment on Internet about Ukraine,Russia or Russian president. I cannot contribute.

I dont know what is wrong comment, and I dont have enough time to send my comments to Ministry of truth for validation.

I am of course glad, the Czech government switched off/blocked over 20 private news servers in Czech republic to avoid wrong comments. Otherwise half of nation would be in jail soon.

BTW: what VPN do you reccomend ?
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by bolok »

We stand against genocide, we stand against russia, we stand against evil. Personally I consider banning bots/paid agents justified, as they are not misinformed, but stand openly against truth and intend to manipulate gullible into supporting what is wrong.
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by enterisys »

gGeorg wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 3:46 pm I would like to discuss, but I am not allowed.
As a citiizen of Czech rep., I would face a prosecution for expressing my feelings about the event.
As long as the highest czech judge officially announced/offered up to 3 years in jail for wrong comment on Internet about Ukraine,Russia or Russian president. I cannot contribute.

I dont know what is wrong comment, and I dont have enough time to send my comments to Ministry of truth for validation.

I am of course glad, the Czech government switched off/blocked over 20 private news servers in Czech republic to avoid wrong comments. Otherwise half of nation would be in jail soon.

BTW: what VPN do you reccomend ?
Proof? In Czech ofcourse.
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by jakeman27 »

enterisys wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 4:01 pm
gGeorg wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 3:46 pm I would like to discuss, but I am not allowed.
As a citiizen of Czech rep., I would face a prosecution for expressing my feelings about the event.
As long as the highest czech judge officially announced/offered up to 3 years in jail for wrong comment on Internet about Ukraine,Russia or Russian president. I cannot contribute.

I dont know what is wrong comment, and I dont have enough time to send my comments to Ministry of truth for validation.

I am of course glad, the Czech government switched off/blocked over 20 private news servers in Czech republic to avoid wrong comments. Otherwise half of nation would be in jail soon.

BTW: what VPN do you reccomend ?
Proof? In Czech ofcourse.
Appears to be anyone supporting the invasion is being penalised potentially

https://balkaninsight.com/2022/03/01/cz ... -invasion/
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by enterisys »

Google translate, seems pretty clear to me.

If someone publicly (including demonstrations, the Internet or social networks) agreed (accepted or supported the Russian Federation's attacks on Ukraine) or expressed support or praised the leaders of the Russian Federation in this regard, they could also face criminal liability under certain conditions.
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by mmmPI »

jakeman27 wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 4:04 pm
enterisys wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 4:01 pm
Russian trolls attacking our freedom of speech what can we do ?

Just get rid of it !

What ?!

If we remove our freedom of speech then russian trolls can't attack it anymore !

Brilliant ! Let's do that, say "yes" if you agree. Hey why you stay silent ? Don't you think it's a good idea ?
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by garrotte »

Stop War! Don't let people kill each other for crazy ideas!

It's a double pain and embarassment for me after all to see my favorite game's approval rating spoiled by people from my country (those are not bots, but real gamers). I hope Steam will fix it somehow.

I'm working for years in international software development company with R&D office in Russia. And my father is from Ukraine (moved to Moscow region in 1970s). I still have some relatives nearby Nikolaev and Odessa.
I must tell, that it's really about 60% support for Pu here as I talk with my relatives and friends. I do not understand them. It's like living in different reality. I don't have TV set, I can't hear or watch Pu last 10+ years since he made an illegal return in '2011. I do know that those people around me - they have some seeds inside them for propaganda to work:
- Soviet Union imperialism ideas. For me it was a difficult process to kill them inside me after '1997 when I finished school. I was lucky to overwhelm it. But there are not many of people my age and older who were able to do it.
- PostSoviet era of 1990s - high criminal rate, low average income.
- Soviet, preSoviet and still existing way of people live here - law is not the true force here. I don't know how to translate it. Some mind slavery or what it is - it doesn't make people to trust in law.

After '2000 two things happened
1) Oil prices grew from $8 per barrel in '1998 to over $150 in '2007.
2) And less bandits - they grew in sizes, killed smaller groups, big criminals became members of our parliament and switched to more civilized model of business. Like in U.S. 100+ years ago.
Life became much better. Both things are NOT Putin's work result. It was a co-incidence, but most people don't understand it.

And what is worse, those 60% of population believe in some anti-Russia plans of U.S. and West Europe govenments for all these years even after SU collapse. I tried many times to convince them, but without success. Sanctions give a huge boost to propaganda (in '2014 Pu rating jumped from 60% to almost 90% in a few months, now it jumped from 60% to 70% in one week).
And the worst thing, that some 30% of those 60% are so mad, that they do agree with violence. I don't know what to do with it. Coming to streets doesn't change anything as not many of other 40% population can risk now. Maybe sanctions will work other way now, forcing more people out, and less people starting to support government. I don't know. For me - I can't do it, because I have 2 small children (6 and 8 y.o.) and my wife physically won't be able to be with them alone and work at the same time. I'm very sorry.
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by _Attila_ »

enterisys wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 4:09 pm Google translate, seems pretty clear to me.

If someone publicly (including demonstrations, the Internet or social networks) agreed (accepted or supported the Russian Federation's attacks on Ukraine) or expressed support or praised the leaders of the Russian Federation in this regard, they could also face criminal liability under certain conditions.
That's probably because anyone supporting Russia in what was once a Russian oppressed Czechoslovakia is very likely to be a Russian agent or agitator.
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by gGeorg »

_Attila_ wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 4:42 pm
enterisys wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 4:09 pm Google translate, seems pretty clear to me.

If someone publicly (including demonstrations, the Internet or social networks) agreed (accepted or supported the Russian Federation's attacks on Ukraine) or expressed support or praised the leaders of the Russian Federation in this regard, they could also face criminal liability under certain conditions.
That's probably because anyone supporting Russia in what was once a Russian oppressed Czechoslovakia is very likely to be a Russian agent or agitator.
Many people are talking about any topics with zero knowledge.
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by gGeorg »

enterisys wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 4:09 pm Google translate, seems pretty clear to me.

If someone publicly (including demonstrations, the Internet or social networks) agreed (accepted or supported the Russian Federation's attacks on Ukraine) or expressed support or praised the leaders of the Russian Federation in this regard, they could also face criminal liability under certain conditions.

Let see recent news
Former member of parliament said on Facebook "Obdivuji Putina za trpělivost s tou ukrajinskou fašistickou chátrou…střílet na školy, školky, nemocnice a další ryze civilní objekty mohou opravdu jen svině,”
https://neovlivni.cz/policie-vysetruje- ... al-putina/

"I admire Putin for his patience with the Ukrainian fascist gang - shoot at schools, kindergartens, hospitals and other purely civilian objects, only a pig can do."

result account blocked, man is prosecuted immediately. Get noticed, Czech courts are notoriously overwhelmed so usually a case waits for months or even years in a queue.
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by enterisys »

gGeorg wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 4:47 pm Many people are talking about any topics with zero knowledge.
Well you clearly also had limited knowledge on what to discuss, but looks like its just "agreeing/supporting Putin".
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by mmmPI »

it's not fair when someone could be sent to prison or just prosecuted, for saying something without a precise way to know if the thing said are illegal or not.

What if you just ask question and it's considered provocation ?

maybe i'm somewhat idiot and don't understand the answers so if i ask many times "where is the body?", it has no other meaning that " i have not understood the location". But maybe the judge will think i'm repeating the question to cast shadow and damage the reputation of someone or the opposite try to make someone look innocent.

Is mentionning year 1783 forbidden but year 2014 allowed ? and what about year 1989 ? or 1991 ? What is the correct version of explaining things and what will be considered propaganda ?
enterisys wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 5:01 pm Well you clearly also had limited knowledge on what to discuss, but looks like its just "agreeing/supporting Putin".
That's how the law seem to be worded. You are not allowed to "support" or "agree". Whatever that means you know after you said it, just wait to see if the police is coming, they'll bring you to the judge who will define what is the only truth and it's precise border.

I am from a generation where i had both " stupid question deserve stupid answer" and " there is no stupid question" kind of teachers at school. I hope judges are taught the second way nowadays.

[Edit: https://neovlivni-cz.translate.goog/pol ... _tr_pto=sc ]
The fully translated version
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by Rebmes »

I hope your colleagues and friends will be ok. It's a bit shocking to see some of the comments online, and how much negative attention comes down on you just for supporting the Ukraine. Russia is making war with the entire internet!
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by Sumanai »

How about a stupid question? I hope the developers of the game Factorio will not block access to Russian players? And then I recently wanted to buy a game, until the ruble finally depreciated, but the possibility of sanctions against a simple person who cannot influence anything scares me. I already got into trouble with the Namecheap registrar (after which I had to transfer the domain to a Russian registrar, and, ultimately, do exactly the opposite of the registrar's declared goals), and I would not want to repeat this here.
I would like to hear the opinion of the developers on this matter. Thanks.
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by Engimage »

snow-factory wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:10 pm
Constable wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 11:47 am Ukraine bombed Donbass for 8 years and after that do you consider Russia an enemy? Russia stood up for Donbass, because Russia is tired of looking at it, looking at how people are suffering. And one interesting fact: Ukraine itself destroys cities with its tanks, while Russian tanks try not to break ANYTHING. Draw conclusions about who is to blame.
You have got it all reversed. There had not been a single gunshot in Donbass (or elsewhere in UA) until Putin invaded Crimea and Russian soldiers "on vacation" invaded Donbass. Since that, there is terrible war on the east of Ukraine. Initiated by Russia. Kept alive by Russia. Now made much worse by Russia.

On top, if Russian forces return home, the war is over. If Ukrainian forces return home... well, they are home. If Ukrainian forces give up, there is no Ukraine left, they become Малороссы. Russia started the war. Russia can end the war any minute. Nobody else can.

Russia had invaded Czech Republic in 1968. Demolished free speech. Fired supporters of democracy from their jobs. And many worse atrocities on individual level.

Please see here the same building with soviet tanks in front of it.


And no, there was no shooting in Czech before the Russians appeared on their tanks. They were not saving anyone.

It is very appropriate for a Czech gaming studio to speak up.

Thank you, Factorio, for doing this.

P.S.: We are not blaming Russian people for this. And we somewhat empathize with the 18 year old Russian soldiers who were told they are leaving for a training and all of a sudden find themselves in a war - not defending their country but attacking their Slavic brothers. We know it is Putin and his government who ordered the war. Please tell your government you do not want a war either. Nobody wins this war. Innocent people die. These, who started the war, are safe in bunkers.
I applaud standing.
I am from Kharkiv ( east Ukraine ). Today I had to run for my life with my family from our city which was effectively wiped. Everything is being destroyed via air bombs and missiles. Russia could not take our city using their meat bags so they decided just to bomb it away.
Cluster bombs were used next to my house so I had to help evacuate dead civilians and treat others wounded.
Vacuum bombs used in living districts.
My daughter’s school was destroyed .
Our hospital was destroyed.
Our public water well was destroyed via air strike.
I had to slalom between burning craters in my car to get my children out.

You can see what kind of liberation Russia brings along.

But this time they did bite what they can’t chew. They lose hard, their young soldiers die a lot. They won’t win but they can still do a lot of damage. They will not be ever forgiven.
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by Engimage »

Sumanai wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 6:58 pm How about a stupid question? I hope the developers of the game Factorio will not block access to Russian players? And then I recently wanted to buy a game, until the ruble finally depreciated, but the possibility of sanctions against a simple person who cannot influence anything scares me. I already got into trouble with the Namecheap registrar (after which I had to transfer the domain to a Russian registrar, and, ultimately, do exactly the opposite of the registrar's declared goals), and I would not want to repeat this here.
I would like to hear the opinion of the developers on this matter. Thanks.
You know that certain actions are crimes. So is INACTION.
Russia is being isolated like North Korea and it is your personal punishment for inaction. YOU allowed Putin to rule you. You silently accept his actions. You failed to find truth.
And for all of the above you will be punished.
And is is the biggest mistake of common Russians to say they can’t do anything. You just don’t want to as you are afraid to. And for this you will be punished.
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by tzwaan »

PacifyerGrey wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:17 pm
Sumanai wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 6:58 pm How about a stupid question? I hope the developers of the game Factorio will not block access to Russian players? And then I recently wanted to buy a game, until the ruble finally depreciated, but the possibility of sanctions against a simple person who cannot influence anything scares me. I already got into trouble with the Namecheap registrar (after which I had to transfer the domain to a Russian registrar, and, ultimately, do exactly the opposite of the registrar's declared goals), and I would not want to repeat this here.
I would like to hear the opinion of the developers on this matter. Thanks.
You know that certain actions are crimes. So is INACTION.
Russia is being isolated like North Korea and it is your personal punishment for inaction. YOU allowed Putin to rule you. You silently accept his actions. You failed to find truth.
And for all of the above you will be punished.
And is is the biggest mistake of common Russians to say they can’t do anything. You just don’t want to as you are afraid to. And for this you will be punished.
Punishing people for inaction is one of the quickest ways of radicalizing them to the opposing side.
You can't just go blaming the people for the decisions of the government if the government doesn't listen to the people. Especially those people that disagree with the government.
Unless you actually want the escalate the polarization and conflict.
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by PunkSkeleton »

WarStalkeR wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:06 pm
Did you see what lies Ukrainian media outlets are writing about the war? Lies and propaganda are from both sides.

As matter of the fact, my entire family (me, my parents, my relatives and my grandparents) had to run from Ukraine for our lives and immigrate to Israel 21 year ago. Run away from racism, run away from nazis, run away from antisemitism.

Don't you dare color one side as light and other as darkness. Both sides are screwed up deep enough.

Also, why for 8 years everybody was so silent about Donetsk and Lugansk, about horror that was going there for entire 8 years?

Frankly, this discussion is not for this forum. I suggest to erase this topic and forget it ever happened.
In the last 21 years there were 2 revolutions in Ukraine and the political course of the country changed completely. It is like blaming the current government of RSA for Apartheid. You also claim to run away from racism to a state that shoots unarmed civilian protesters (proof: https://edition.cnn.com/2018/04/10/midd ... index.html). That is in your opinion not racism?

The fact is that Putin got angry that Ukraine wanted to free itself from Russian influence so he has taken Crimea and started the war in east Ukraine 8 years ago. There was no fighting, no killings before that. It was all staged by Putin. The west did not do anything so now he went a lot further. He can be stopped only by force. If he is not stopped now we will be next, if you survive the war and are a typical guy then it won't be that bad for you. But if you, for example, happen to be homosexual then you would go to jail. If you can't keep your mouth shut you will go to jail. If you protest you will go to jail. That is what Putin wants.
Don't believe in anything Lavrov says, he is lying all the time. He is the most cynical and evil person I have ever seen, even Putin is less cynical than Lavrov.

Also shame on the government of Czech Republic. Censorship is never good, even if it is soft censorship like the one currently in United States. Censorship is what was used by Hitler, Stalin, Mao and many other criminals like Pol Pot. Now it is now used by Putin and Kim Jong Un, the ones that Czech government clearly does not support.
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by PunkSkeleton »

tzwaan wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:41 pm
PacifyerGrey wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:17 pm
Sumanai wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 6:58 pm How about a stupid question? I hope the developers of the game Factorio will not block access to Russian players? And then I recently wanted to buy a game, until the ruble finally depreciated, but the possibility of sanctions against a simple person who cannot influence anything scares me. I already got into trouble with the Namecheap registrar (after which I had to transfer the domain to a Russian registrar, and, ultimately, do exactly the opposite of the registrar's declared goals), and I would not want to repeat this here.
I would like to hear the opinion of the developers on this matter. Thanks.
You know that certain actions are crimes. So is INACTION.
Russia is being isolated like North Korea and it is your personal punishment for inaction. YOU allowed Putin to rule you. You silently accept his actions. You failed to find truth.
And for all of the above you will be punished.
And is is the biggest mistake of common Russians to say they can’t do anything. You just don’t want to as you are afraid to. And for this you will be punished.
Punishing people for inaction is one of the quickest ways of radicalizing them to the opposing side.
You can't just go blaming the people for the decisions of the government if the government doesn't listen to the people. Especially those people that disagree with the government.
Unless you actually want the escalate the polarization and conflict.
Russian soldiers are punished by death for the inaction of Russian people. They are told they either go to war or go to labor camp for 15 or 25 years. That's almost whole life so most of them go. And they die. A lot of them die because Putin does not care about his soldiers. They have poor training, poor equipment and insanely incompetent command.
Please note that I didn't even write that those same soldiers are ordered to not only kill Ukrainian soldiers but also to shoot artillery at civilian sites.
And you are concerned about Russian people not being able to buy a video game?
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by snow-factory »

PacifyerGrey wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:06 pm I am from Kharkiv ( east Ukraine ). Today I had to run for my life with my family from our city which was effectively wiped. Everything is being destroyed via air bombs and missiles. Russia could not take our city using their meat bags so they decided just to bomb it away.
Cluster bombs were used next to my house so I had to help evacuate dead civilians and treat others wounded.
Vacuum bombs used in living districts.
My daughter’s school was destroyed .
Our hospital was destroyed.
Our public water well was destroyed via air strike.
I had to slalom between burning craters in my car to get my children out.

You can see what kind of liberation Russia brings along.
Very sorry to hear it. Venting their frustration by attacking civilians. Pure senseless violence. And not for the first time. Since Putin brings back the 100-year-old history, let's not forget the 1933 Голодомор, when the soviets killed more than a quarter of population of some Ukrainian regions by hunger. Why would they be surprised than Ukrainians do not want to repeat the history of becoming a part of the Russian empire?

Great to hear you managed to get out unharmed.
PunkSkeleton wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 9:24 pm Also shame on the government of Czech Republic. Censorship is never good, even if it is soft censorship like the one currently in United States. Censorship is what was used by Hitler, Stalin, Mao and many other criminals like Pol Pot. Now it is now used by Putin and Kim Jong Un, the ones that Czech government clearly does not support.
Yes, I think the threat of prosecution might have been unnecessary. But in reality nobody in Czech shall be afraid to speak freely. That is again Russian troll narrative. Also, they (intentionally?) confuse courts and police actions - police investigation is not a prosecution, most are just "deferred" as unfounded. Practically, you can say that you support the invasion and people will think you are a terrible person but you are not going to jail. Only if you would start promoting and enticing the violence directly "let's go and kill all the bloody insert your enemy here", then there would be a risk of getting to court. Or recently people who texted direct threats to politicians are investigated. But even these are more likely to get 300 hours of community service rather than jail. TLDR: No censorship in Czech.

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