Friday Facts #360 - 1.0 is here!

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Re: Friday Facts #360 - 1.0 is here!

Post by Monara »

When I saw 1.0 was done I immediately thought "too bad Spidertron didn't make it in." And then I watched the trailer. It just hadn't been mentioned for so long because you wanted to keep it as a surprise! That reveal was just perfect.

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Re: Friday Facts #360 - 1.0 is here!

Post by movax20h »

Wube, our of curiosity, are you planning running a Steam (and other channels) advertisement campaign on Factorio?
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Re: Friday Facts #360 - 1.0 is here!

Post by TheCornishman »

To all at WUBE - Huge congratulations and respect for driving through to 1.0. Your efforts have shown the value of early access when the development team engages with its user base early, often and with honesty. I've played for thousands of hours (don't tell my family...) and you must be responsible for several millions of hours of fun. Not many people can say that.
Best wishes for the future. I'm off to check out Spidertron. Didn't see that coming!

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Re: Friday Facts #360 - 1.0 is here!

Post by Sebb767 »

Thank you so much for everything!
So, there goes the weekend I guess ...

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Re: Friday Facts #360 - 1.0 is here!

Post by Durabys »

Musím vám poblahopřát, kluci/holky zlatí. Skvělá práce. Jenom smutné že FFF skončilo. Možná by to šlo nahradit něčím méně častým.
I have to congratulate you, guys/girls,. Good job. Just sad that the FFF is over. Maybe it could be replaced by something less frequent.

"Factorio Fluky Facts"?


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Re: Friday Facts #360 - 1.0 is here!

Post by ribsngibs »

Holy crap guys, congratulations.

I alternatively can't believe it took this long to finish the game while I also can't believe how fast and thorough you guys were in making this game so tight, so clean, so solid and bug-free, and so full featured so quickly.

Really one of my favorite gaming experiences - I haven't played since 0.15 I believe (nuclear power first introduced) but I look forward to starting up a new game and seeing what's new. OMG the spidertron made it in!

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Re: Friday Facts #360 - 1.0 is here!

Post by Frozenflare »

And thank you for creating one of my favorite games.

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Re: Friday Facts #360 - 1.0 is here!

Post by flish »

my only regret with joining this community is not joining sooner
this game gave me something to do at any hour of the night...
or is it day i dont remember :lol:
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Re: Friday Facts #360 - 1.0 is here!

Post by Unknow0059 »

Oh my god, I didn't expect Spidertron to make it.
That aside - thank you for this beautiful game.

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Re: Friday Facts #360 - 1.0 is here!

Post by Serenity09 »


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Re: Friday Facts #360 - 1.0 is here!

Post by hoho »

Grats on the release. Bought the game early-2014, got untold amount of hours in it before steam launch plus additional 5300 hours on steam. Enjoyed every second of it. It is definitely one of the greatest autism s(t)imulators out there :)

I'm curious, how many builds have been released publicly of the game before 1.0?

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Re: Friday Facts #360 - 1.0 is here!

Post by irbork »

Thanks! Great job with the Spidertron surprise :shock:
It was my best early access game experience so far, I can't wait to see what is coming up next. Expansion or another project is something worth waiting for.

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Re: Friday Facts #360 - 1.0 is here!

Post by Kyralessa »

I have a huge goofy grin on my face right now. I had a funny feeling Spidertron was going to be sneaked in for 1.0.

I've loved the FFF ever since I discovered them 4 years ago. It's been fun to get a personal glimpse behind the scenes. And I think for a lot of us (pity it's not for all of us!) it helps temper our criticisms or suggestions when we remember that there are real human beings behind this game making the best decisions they can.

Congratulations on this milestone! I hope you all enjoy a well-deserved rest, especially now while it's still summer.

I'm sorry to see the FFF go, but I can understand the need for a break.

Alas, I have to take my family on a vacation this weekend, so I won't be able to chase Spidertron yet, but now that 1.0 is out, I'll have to see if I can get my kids interested in playing again.

Thank you again for this game. I'm staggered at the quality. I hope you'll start making fancy DLCs or expansions or something so I can give you more money. :D

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Re: Friday Facts #360 - 1.0 is here!

Post by doppelEben »

congrats! awesome, stunning work guys! Hope u guys are throwing the biggest party at work today

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Re: Friday Facts #360 - 1.0 is here!

Post by Taneeda »

Congratulations to all of you and thank you for this wonderful game :D

I must say, it makes me sad that this should the end of the FFF series. As a software engineer it was wonderful to me to read all about those technical internals, bugs and so on and to see how the project "Factorio" has evolved over all these years. Maybe, there will be a weekly newsletter ;) !? Fridays could be a good day :D
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Re: Friday Facts #360 - 1.0 is here!

Post by zlosynus »

Congrats on releasing 1.0. I still remember many years ago when Kovarex told me that he decided to leave his job and start coding Factorio, and he was looking for testing players to get some feedback. I decided to test it out and spend about 60 hours playing the oldest version. I was instantly hooked and was pushing him ever since to complete his dream. I instantly knew it was great and it just needed to find its players.

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Re: Friday Facts #360 - 1.0 is here!

Post by lupinehorror »

well done one and all.
i'm relatively new to the show (and wish i'd bought a ticket way earlier) but have already gotten so much enjoyment from it and my factory continues to grow.

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Re: Friday Facts #360 - 1.0 is here!

Post by crumbb »

Amazing work!
Congratulations on the 1.0 release. I can't imagine how it must feel to have accomplished creating a heartbreaking work of staggering genius like Factorio.

Also, I'm not crying...there's just something in my eye...

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Re: Friday Facts #360 - 1.0 is here!

Post by fur_and_whiskers »

Awesome work guys! Congratulations. :D

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Re: Friday Facts #360 - 1.0 is here!

Post by LotA »

Congratulation Wube, I'm pretty sure Factorio will stay in the hall of fame of game industry for decades. It's just such a great game that received so much love from its devs.

Thank you for all the work done.

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