I disagree because I think this will lead the game in the unintended direction, actually:MrGrim wrote: Fri Jul 19, 2019 6:40 pm Some discussions on the Discord server led to an idea for dealing with the new player issues with oil that I think would work a lot better here. Original credit for the idea goes to Hexicube.
The idea is based on the following assumptions:
* The fundamental problem is that it is difficult for players to discover how to deal with multiple outputs without clogging the system.
* The change as proposed only delays the problem.
* The change to the flamethrower ammo further limits the already limited utility of even having heavy and light oil.
* Locking construction bots behind blue science further increases the mid game "hump".
So, how can we introduce new players to the tools to handle the multiple outputs of advanced processing while not needing to make changes to bots or flamethrower ammo or over simplfying the first refinery?
Make basic only output heavy oil, and make cracking available with basic oil processing!
This makes access to plastic require cracking plants allowing players to familiarize themselves with the recipes used to balanced advanced oil processing before they are required to prevent complete blockages. It avoids simply delaying the problem by having the player use all of the tools required to solve the problem in a safer context with linear and simple progression before they must be used in a more complex scenario!
I hope that you agree!
1. It will add more itermediates into already very long chain to get to blue science compared to any other science (except maybe space, but by that time you are already pretty familliar with stuff).
2. Advanced oil is no longer mandatory and I think it should be.
3. Player with knowledge can now deliberately skip advanced oil, so overall for advanced players complexity is in fact reduced.