Yeah, there might have been less complaints, but personally, I'd dislike larger stacks with a power of ten as much. Stacks of 300 seems like a rather ridiculous arbitrary number, especially when you consider how wildly varying the rounding up would be. merely rounding up removes the symmetry of the system. 16 stacks of iron ore became 8 stacks of iron plate became 2 stacks of gears. Quick, how many stacks of gears would n stacks of iron plate make with 200 and 300 stacks?sciencemile wrote:I think there would have been less complaints if they had rounded up, so 64 = 100 stack, 128 = 200 stack, 256 = 300 stack. You still get power of 10, plus buff instead of nerf
It feels like anyone arguing for base ten stacks have never used logarithms...