- Resource generation tweaks:
Seems pretty much like most games with endless maps do it because of how the increasing distance becomes more time consuming. I wouldn't make the patches bigger though, but just increase the yield. - Long term mining drills:
YES to the Dirty Ore. More resources, infrastructure and production cycles to fiddle around with is always a good thing to keep the player some more busy in a fun way. The better it also helps alleviate some of the repetitive expansion tasks.
Once the surface is depleted the mining drills stop to work, but with a research upgrade they might continue working there. So it would make sense to leave the outpost intact until you can examine the underground.
I somehow wanted to suggest "Range Modules" for quite some time now, which would influence how far the mining drill can reach out, which could also be used in Roboports, Gun/Laser Turrets and so on at the cost of consuming more energy the more area is covered or somethingRwn wrote:About late game mining, there's actually a simple way to make it less troublesome: have a higher tier mining drill with a large extraction zone around them so you don't have to relocate those that have ore depleted just under them. You put some over the deposit and leave them be, all or most of them will work until the whole deposit is empty. Some mods have implemented this. Not that I wouldn't like in addition the "dirty ore to process" mechanism you've described, of course :p

That could also be an approach to deal with the problem, make them work like Oil patches! If the yield of the mining site is slowly degrading over time then it gives enough reason to expand and create new outposts, but it also gives a reason to leave existing outposts where they are as they still add up to the sum.metsume wrote:My way for resources - endless-resources mod, make the ore infinite, just like oil - weaker over time. You still have to expand and make new outposts, but there is no need to destroy old ones. I cant play without it anymore coz of depleted mines.
I would definitely combine the "decreasing yield" with the Dirty Ore concept. The less the yield, the more dirty ore you have to deal with. Maybe even combine it with some underground mining concepts or whatever.
- About resource sinks:
It would be quite good to have some resource sinks. Endless upgrades might come in handy BUT it might also cause major imbalance because of how the game world itself doesn't scale with the upgrades (like for example the Biters not becoming any stronger)
- Upgrade to Smoke:
Put those nasty Smoke visuals on the Boilers instead of the Steam Engines! And make near to white, almost transparent smoke come out of the Steam Engines... xD