We support Ukraine

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by mmmPI »

enterisys wrote:
Wed May 11, 2022 11:14 pm
Found the SS shevron, take my words back.
In the french video they mention a nazi thing attached to the arm, like the one the kids have on this video :


(imagine the same, but blue attached to Ukrainian adult soldier)

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by enterisys »

mmmPI wrote:
Thu May 12, 2022 8:48 am
This guy is Adrien Bocquet....
Yes I've read his insta.
Anything to add to the words "been to Ukraine for 16 days, came back 2 days ago" when literally his insta confirms he was on live French TV on May 6th.
Also no evidence about the trip on his insta??? Surely a "public figure" would want to draw some attention to such "good deeds".
What kind of motivation did he need to start lying about that at the first place? After the first lie the other statements clearly are irrelevant.
Maybe some kind of donation to his fund?

Here you go :D

I guess I'll have to forward these 2 videos to certain French authorities.

And here is a headline from official russian military telegram - A remarkable interview with the French mercenary Andren Boke, who returned from Ukraine after three months of "trip to the war".

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by Djmixxx »

In Ukraine it is forbidden to photograph military and military facilities. You can get arrested for this. Or kill if no one is watching.

About journalists: where can I see a lot of Russian journalists from the Ukrainian side? in Ukraine, all non-Ukrainian media are generally banned. all Western media receive information from Ukrainian journalists.

The only way to visit ukraine is to come to the nature reserve in bucha, which will never seem to return to normal, as there will be nothing to show.
I think your are confusing my opinion with the truth.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by enterisys »

Djmixxx wrote:
Thu May 12, 2022 4:51 pm
In Ukraine it is forbidden to photograph military and military facilities. You can get arrested for this. Or kill if no one is watching.

About journalists: where can I see a lot of Russian journalists from the Ukrainian side? in Ukraine, all non-Ukrainian media are generally banned. all Western media receive information from Ukrainian journalists.

The only way to visit ukraine is to come to the nature reserve in bucha, which will never seem to return to normal, as there will be nothing to show.
But it is allowed to photo russian tanks.
And boy 665 portraits have the journalists prepared so far!
Truly a success!
Many thanks to russians for letting them take 18+ photo material in different positions.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by mmmPI »

Djmixxx wrote:
Thu May 12, 2022 4:51 pm
In Ukraine it is forbidden to photograph military and military facilities. You can get arrested for this. Or kill if no one is watching.
How would you get killed if no-one is watching ? that's sound like a mystery to me, care to explain ?

you seem to imply someone need to be watching for one not to get killed, who should be watching ? and who would be the killer ?

Also i explained to you already the first part, some reason of why it could be forbidden to take pictures of the military that are defending their country during the russian invasion there :
mmmPI wrote:
Tue May 03, 2022 8:48 am
There are several reason explainings why the factuals datas are less numerous than in the earlier days of the conflict, military both sides adapted to the profusion of the news to avoid being targeted after their exposure, that is on tactical level, and the communication strategy of the aggressing party has changed similarly to their forces on the ground moved away from Kiyv.

Examples are mostly the Russian invading forces that were very spread out in an attempt to reach Kiev through several routes from northern Belarus and north east. The famous and humiliating 60 miles convoy seen in the early days. Got stuck because of the fierce Ukrainian resistance and their quick bridge destruction, then got filmed and exposed , this was reported as a show of comitment by putin's army ,to try and scare the defending Ukraine, and at the same time utilized by Ukrainians to aim their shot with artillery and plan ambush as well as monitoring the ennemy troop position and exposing the existence of the war, at a time when it was still believed by the aggressing side that it could yield a quick win.

There are also cases where Ukrainian soldiers took themselves in selfie before an ambush that got countered because of such selfie. As the war unfolded, and it became no longer possible to deny its existence, so less valuable to film those, Ukrainian soldiers started to publish their videos with delay of some days. Russian soldiers are forbidden to take their smartphone, only special military communication is allowed, journalist that follow soldier and document from their side (openly or not), and a group of Chechen were active.

Then the troops of Russia north of Kiev suffered big losses against Ukrainian army resistance, Chechens groops and some of the best Russian troops like the paratroopers that took Ostomel airport for one day before it was retaken by Ukraine suffered heavy casualties. This lead to less videos from one side, those troops were withdrawn or there would have been surrounded leading to according to estimate around 10 000 to 30 000 prisonners.

During this period there was also fighting in other areas that also involved Ukrainian people that are not part of the army, volunteer, partisan, civilians that didn't want their field ruined or their shop looted, and so on those were documented in videos, this was possible because Russian troops were trying to reach Kiyv through Ukraine in the north east, while in the dombas region, the Ukrainian army prevented any troop advance to have contact with civilians that would produce the images.

From the moment where Russian troops where withdrawn from north and north east diverted away from kiyv and repositionned in the dombas region, the images of civilians became less numerous, the russian occupied city of Kherson saw its protester shot with real bullets, the images of Butcha and Borodianka and Mariupol and other places that i can't properly write became known to civilians, and the battlefront became more static and localized. A situation where the attacking side can't deny it is facing resistance, or that there is a war, or claim it's a liberating a country.

Now the bridges and rail infrastructure of Ukraine are targeted by Russia in an attempt to prevent aid coming from the west to reach the front in the east. There is no more person who believe that "russia doesn't target civilians" or that " it takes long because russian troop try to not destroy things only to remove the nazi" in Ukraine, there are more than 10 000 000 individual that left their home, either to another country or internally displaced mostly woman, old people and very young people. Less people be filming russian troop in their village for fear of being shot right away civilian or not.

A new russian general was appointed to lead the war, he seem to have been appointed to make territorial gain no matter the cost ( if you can't take a city raze it), and not caring about the political justification of the means used ( if you raze a city you can't claim it is liberated ). The political justification of liberation of a country lead to invading troops being totally surrounded by hostile population while being unaware of its hostility due to propaganda, leading to stories like soldiers getting poisonned because they trusted the people they were invading to feed them. This was a thing from the early days of the conflict, now the distances between hostile party are bigger because the aggressing one is more desperate and shoot more often at everything.

This can explain why rationnal people that have less factual informations don't keep posting "new fact", true information is more scarce. The situation on the battleground seem to be a stalemate with no civilians willing to witness it from too close, and few military willing to tell where there are and what they do, since they been doing so for a while and expect to be doing so for a while, that would be giving away your position.
Djmixxx wrote:
Thu May 12, 2022 4:51 pm
About journalists: where can I see a lot of Russian journalists from the Ukrainian side?

Why no russian journalist are allowed in Ukraine ? well that one is pretty easy, if you know the law in russia, you are forbidden to criticize the army under the threat of 15 years of jail, which makes it impossible to cover properly the war that include the lost battle of Kiev by the russian army and Ukrainian civilians having their two hands tied in the back killed by russian troops, there is no point in allowing people that couldn't legally speak what they see. Why should russian journalist be allowed on both sides ? when they clearly are a threat for the Ukraine army and are covering the war from the agressing side ?

That's also somewhat stupid imo to ask the question, it's very easy to understand for most people i shouldn't be answering this because a human being with a brain shouldn't ask the question repeatdly, you have been explained many times in all your post that are on this thread for which you registered.
Djmixxx wrote:
Thu May 12, 2022 4:51 pm
in Ukraine, all non-Ukrainian media are generally banned. all Western media receive information from Ukrainian journalists.
Does that mean all non-Ukrainian media are forbidden ? No of course, there is a difference between not allowing propagandist from the agressing side and preventing all media. There are many journalists in Ukraine even french speaking one from a french state-owned TV channel since you like the french journalist so much look one that is actually reporting facts backed by images he takes himself and are properly authentified :


Man was to open a bakery to make french baguette in Ukraine, describe what he sees in Irpin after it was devasted by russian troops.

Why would you say such things djmix when it's so easy to proove it wrong ? Maybe you think the man is not real ? the images are fake ?

How could russian journalist explain why now Irpin devastation is being shown in western media ? The explanation being that Ukraine army pushed back Russian troop away from Irpin, town located between Bucha and Kiyv, there is no more russian soldier there, they have lost the battle of Kyiv. Now western media can go there because it is controlled by Ukrainian army, it's not in the frontline anymore therefore no secret information is to be leaked from Irpin so we can have journalist on the ground to report contrary to earlier in the war when it was a contested area and information was only coming from non-profesionnal sources such as social media because news agency do not send people with camera under the bombs on purpose.

Edit: Actually it would be unfair to say that all russian journalist are supporting the war launched by putin :

https://indianexpress.com/article/world ... e-7873128/

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by mmmPI »

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/ ... -overnight
Ukrainian journalists were spotlighted this week when the Pulitzer prize board awarded them with a special citation, hailing the country’s reporters for the “courage, endurance and commitment to truthful reporting” they have shown since the Russian invasion.
Thank you djmix for highlighting the good work of the Ukrainian journalists, you were silent for a while but i can understand you didn't want anyone to miss the event.

“From the print journalists I know, there was maybe a handful left in Kyiv,” said Berdynskykh. “It is mostly the TV stations who had small teams of war correspondents who had experience in the Donbas. For everyone else, the situation was an absolute shock.”

Those who stayed in Ukraine’s hotspots embarked on new careers. Berdynskykh spent 18 nights sleeping on the floor in Kyiv’s metro to avoid the shelling and conducted phone interviews. Without a car or taxis, and with shells flying into the city, in-person interviews were near to impossible for the first month she said.

“At first it was practically just western journalists – war correspondents – doing on-the-ground reporting,” said Berdynskykh, who was a leading political reporter but is now focusing on the experiences of ordinary Ukrainians around the country. “But I’m grateful to them because we were still adapting.”

Original reporting has since returned to Ukraine’s news sites but most newsrooms cannot afford to simultaneously provide their staff with protective equipment and pay salaries, said Katerina Sergatskova, who founded 24.02 Fund, whose aim is to raise money to help equip reporters and newsrooms with the necessary equipment. The income from online advertising which many Ukrainian news sites relied on dried up when the economy shut down.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by Djmixxx »

enterisys wrote:
Thu May 12, 2022 5:52 pm
But it is allowed to photo russian tanks.
And boy 665 portraits have the journalists prepared so far!
Truly a success!
Many thanks to russians for letting them take 18+ photo material in different positions.
The same is shown from the Russian side. Death and captivity of Ukrainian soldiers in different versions.

I am sometimes amazed at how you are similar to russians, really the same mentality. If replace Ukraine to Russia in your posts, you will be like a Russian on a Russian site.
I think your are confusing my opinion with the truth.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by Djmixxx »

mmmPI wrote:
Thu May 12, 2022 7:22 pm

I wonder why then Ukrainian deleted the video of the Ukrainian military with the question " it is possible to shoot at civilians with a bandage or not in Bucha". There were no Russians there anymore and there was no danger, why delete the video.
I think your are confusing my opinion with the truth.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by mmmPI »

Djmixxx wrote:
Thu May 12, 2022 8:18 pm
mmmPI wrote:
Thu May 12, 2022 7:22 pm

I wonder why then Ukrainian deleted the video of the Ukrainian military with the question " it is possible to shoot at civilians with a bandage or not in Bucha". There were no Russians there anymore and there was no danger, why delete the video.
They deleted from the internet ? that's even more things you need to explain to me

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by mmmPI »

Djmixxx wrote:
Thu May 12, 2022 8:09 pm
enterisys wrote:
Thu May 12, 2022 5:52 pm
But it is allowed to photo russian tanks.
And boy 665 portraits have the journalists prepared so far!
Truly a success!
Many thanks to russians for letting them take 18+ photo material in different positions.
The same is shown from the Russian side. Death and captivity of Ukrainian soldiers in different versions.

I am sometimes amazed at how you are similar to russians, really the same mentality. If replace Ukraine to Russia in your posts, you will be like a Russian on a Russian site.
If it was Ukraine who attacked Russia, it would actually make a huge difference to me. Maybe you don't realize the meaning of launching a war and attacking a sovereign country causing scary increase in global food prices when the world have hard time recovering from COVID. Fighting for your life ? vs trying to occupy neighbour's land ?

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by enterisys »

Djmixxx wrote:
Thu May 12, 2022 8:18 pm
I wonder why then Ukrainian deleted the video of the Ukrainian military with the question " it is possible to shoot at civilians with a bandage or not in Bucha". There were no Russians there anymore and there was no danger, why delete the video.
Poor video evidence, deleted together with hacked youtube by belgorod People Republic.
Last edited by enterisys on Thu May 12, 2022 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by enterisys »

Djmixxx wrote:
Thu May 12, 2022 8:09 pm
enterisys wrote:
Thu May 12, 2022 5:52 pm
But it is allowed to photo russian tanks.
And boy 665 portraits have the journalists prepared so far!
Truly a success!
Many thanks to russians for letting them take 18+ photo material in different positions.
The same is shown from the Russian side. Death and captivity of Ukrainian soldiers in different versions.

I am sometimes amazed at how you are similar to russians, really the same mentality. If replace Ukraine to Russia in your posts, you will be like a Russian on a Russian site.
I would have to disagree. Ukrainian propaganda is mostly very humble about its earnings, but the official russian military telegram reporting officially about official capture of La Manche.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by Djmixxx »

And there is one more thing that I don't understand.

Ukraine began decommunization. Well it happens.

But Ukraine got the Crimea from the communists. And the east too.

Is it not logical that during decommunization it is necessary to get rid of everything reminiscent of communism.
I think your are confusing my opinion with the truth.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by Djmixxx »

mmmPI wrote:
Thu May 12, 2022 8:38 pm
If it was Ukraine who attacked Russia, it would actually make a huge difference to me.
Looks like you are from Russia. Only there the police work like this: "When you are killed, then come to our police station. No body, no case".
I think your are confusing my opinion with the truth.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by mmmPI »

mmmPI wrote:
Thu May 12, 2022 7:22 pm
Djmixxx wrote:
Thu May 12, 2022 4:51 pm
In Ukraine it is forbidden to photograph military and military facilities. You can get arrested for this. Or kill if no one is watching.
How would you get killed if no-one is watching ? that's sound like a mystery to me, care to explain ?

you seem to imply someone need to be watching for one not to get killed, who should be watching ? and who would be the killer ?
Djmixxx wrote:
Thu May 12, 2022 4:51 pm
in Ukraine, all non-Ukrainian media are generally banned. all Western media receive information from Ukrainian journalists.
mmmPI wrote:
Thu May 12, 2022 7:22 pm
Why would you say such things djmix when it's so easy to proove it wrong ? Maybe you think the man is not real ? the images are fake ?
Man was to open a bakery to make french baguette in Ukraine, describe what he sees in Irpin after it was devasted by russian troops.
You haven't replied to these questions, why switch topic ? you just throw random insinuation without any proof like you did in you 600+ that are all on this topic.

You said many lies in this topic, this one is pretty illustrative of a gross lie without much thinking.
Last edited by mmmPI on Fri May 13, 2022 7:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by mmmPI »

Djmixxx wrote:
Fri May 13, 2022 4:04 am
And there is one more thing that I don't understand.

Ukraine began decommunization. Well it happens.

But Ukraine got the Crimea from the communists. And the east too.

Is it not logical that during decommunization it is necessary to get rid of everything reminiscent of communism.
Russian empire colonized Crimea after they stole it from the Tatars that were allied to the Turks, i am not aware of the communist giving it back to them when the russian empire was overthrown by the bolsheviks. Do you think they should have gotten rid of it at the time ?

Why that sudden switch topic ? are you afraid that Ukrainian army pushes the russian army out of Crimea ?

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by noclaf »

Djmixxx wrote:
Thu May 12, 2022 4:51 pm
In Ukraine it is forbidden to photograph military and military facilities. You can get arrested for this. Or kill if no one is watching.

About journalists: where can I see a lot of Russian journalists from the Ukrainian side? in Ukraine, all non-Ukrainian media are generally banned. all Western media receive information from Ukrainian journalists.

The only way to visit ukraine is to come to the nature reserve in bucha, which will never seem to return to normal, as there will be nothing to show.
You are a liar. We have/had several journalists in UA recently.
And you can take pics of military - if the journalists ask and they specifically allow them to do so. Sure no sane army would let anyone take whatever pics.

Jesus, when lying, at least try to make it credible. This outright bullsh*t is boring and insulting.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by Djmixxx »

noclaf wrote:
Fri May 13, 2022 7:15 am
You are a liar. We have/had several journalists in UA recently.
And you can take pics of military - if the journalists ask and they specifically allow them to do so. Sure no sane army would let anyone take whatever pics.

Jesus, when lying, at least try to make it credible. This outright bullsh*t is boring and insulting.
Try to write something about Ukraine that Zelensky doesn’t like and good luck to you.
The same situation as in Russia.
I think your are confusing my opinion with the truth.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by mmmPI »

Djmixxx wrote:
Fri May 13, 2022 7:41 am
noclaf wrote:
Fri May 13, 2022 7:15 am
You are a liar. We have/had several journalists in UA recently.
And you can take pics of military - if the journalists ask and they specifically allow them to do so. Sure no sane army would let anyone take whatever pics.

Jesus, when lying, at least try to make it credible. This outright bullsh*t is boring and insulting.
Try to write something about Ukraine that Zelensky doesn’t like and good luck to you.
The same situation as in Russia.
If you write about peace, Zelensky likes it, no problem for you in Ukraine.
if you write about peace Putin does'nt like it, 15 years in jail or you are shot in the street, much problem for you in Russia.

See the difference ?

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by Djmixxx »

mmmPI wrote:
Fri May 13, 2022 7:55 am
Djmixxx wrote:
Fri May 13, 2022 7:41 am
noclaf wrote:
Fri May 13, 2022 7:15 am
You are a liar. We have/had several journalists in UA recently.
And you can take pics of military - if the journalists ask and they specifically allow them to do so. Sure no sane army would let anyone take whatever pics.

Jesus, when lying, at least try to make it credible. This outright bullsh*t is boring and insulting.
Try to write something about Ukraine that Zelensky doesn’t like and good luck to you.
The same situation as in Russia.
If you write about peace, Zelensky likes it, no problem for you in Ukraine.
if you write about peace Putin does'nt like it, 15 years in jail or you are shot in the street, much problem for you in Russia.

See the difference ?
Where does Zelensky like the peace? does he talk about it anywhere? all his speeches are a request for weapons.
I think your are confusing my opinion with the truth.


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