TheCity - Fct story-based Scenario

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TheCity - Fct story-based Scenario

Post by Kithoras »

VISIT THE NEW ONE ... 36&t=17009

Hey Guys! I've just finished my first big Factorio Project:

A large, story-led Scenario, like the ones in the campaign (I guess I'm the first user doing such thing! ;) ).

Story: Your ship was shot by an human(!) rocket-tower. As you awake some really weird things might happen.
So you try to survive and make yourself a way to the human city (to "the City").

Some stuff you should now:
-Idk why, but my fps slow down a lot when playing this map.
I noticed sth wrong with the editor (already reported here [ ... f=7&t=5492]); so you'll have to try out, if you can live with this low framerate (maybe I'm the only one having this?)
-My english is not the best (I'm bavarian from germany), so the story (available in Deutsch and englisch might be a little bit totally cruel to read (maybe someone could overread it; I did my best, but I guess I failed :D )
-The map begins very easy, but turns harder with time; as soon as you have advanced equipment (better weapons and some capsules) it might be easier; but this won't you help through the final mission :P)
-Please follow the story and do not explore regions far away from your actual location until you're told to)
-Read the Readme.txt (in "")

Sooo, good luck and have fun with my map (if you can ;) )

With best regards, -Kithoras Carzyl-

------------------------------ GERMAN TRANSLATION --------------------------
Hallo Leute!
Ich habe gerade (ok; eigentlich schon vor einigen Tagen) mein erstes großes Factorio-Projekt fertiggestellt:

Eine großes, durch eine Story geführtes Szenario, wie die Missionen der Kampange (aber epischer :P )!
Ich vermute, dass ich der erste User bin, der sich an so etwas herangemacht hat!

Story: Dein Schiff wurde von einem menschlichen(!) Raketenturm abgeschossen. Sobald du wieder erwachst, könnten evtl. einige sehr seltsame Dinge passieren; deshalb musst du versuchen zu überleben und die Menschenstadt zu erreichen (To "the City").

Was du wissen solltest:
-Ich weiß nicht warum, aber meine FPS sinken drastisch, wenn ich die Map spiele.
Ich habe etwas bemerkt, was mit dem Mapeditor falschzulaufen scheint (hier nachzulesen [ ... f=7&t=5492]); aber vielleicht bin ich ja auch der einzige dem das passiert und ihr bemerkt es garnicht.
-Mein Englisch ist nicht das beste; falls ihr auf Englisch spielen wollt, seid gewarnt (verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch und Deutsch)
-Die Map beginnt sehr leicht, wird schnell anspruchsvoller bis mittelschwer; sobald man bessere Waffen und vl. auch Kapseln hat, wird das Spiel wieder einfacher, wobei man alles, was man für die finale Mission braucht auch so bekommt (für den Weg dorthin NICHT)
-Bitte folgt der Story und greift ihr nicht vor (erforscht keine Orte, die weit von eurer aktuellen Position wegliegen
-Lies die Readme.txt (in "")

Sooo, viel Glück und Spaß mit meiner Map (falls sie dich nicht zu sehr deprimiert ;) )

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, -Kithoras Carzyl-

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Last edited by Kithoras on Tue Oct 13, 2015 1:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: TheCity - Fct story-based Scenario

Post by Adil »

Hey there, I've solved the performance problem. The cause is described in you bug report thread.
To fix it you can either put this into game.oninit(function() block of code
or run this in the console during play.
console this
Your car parks won't look as nice as before though.
Also, I'd recommend you keep the link to bugged version in case kovarex decides to take a look at it.
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Re: TheCity - Fct story-based Scenario

Post by Adil »

I've finished the level.
Fun facts:
-you can steal the ammo from enemy gun turrets while they're shooting at you;
-northern automatic laboratories will research stuff for you;
-fuel in trains in automatic factory will last roughly for an hour then everything will shut down;
-there's no fish in the water.
The map was fun. It was interesting to see the stuff you've made there.
However, I'd remove that mission which says you should build a base. The base isn't really needed to move further and the landscape doesn't make it too enjoyable to build there.
Last edited by Adil on Mon Sep 15, 2014 7:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TheCity - Fct story-based Scenario

Post by Vitduo »

Great! Very fun! And a reference in the name of the big biter. Beisser=Biter :)
But a sond filmed you at your way;
And not "a sond" but "a probe", right?
Best regrets
Should be "With best regards"
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Re: TheCity - Fct story-based Scenario

Post by jeroon »

Adil wrote:Fun facts:
Could you please use spoiler tags for that, so new players won't know what's coming? :) Also, thanks for the bug-fix, works like a charm :)

about the scenario, you asked for feedback, and man, am I going to give you feedback :mrgreen:
First, the bugs:
The thing that got me the most were the triggers for the popup texts. I missed half of them, making the map unplayable. I will quickly go through each of the triggers:
mission-1-4: the text only pops up when you're close to the tower gun, I ran away as soon as the gun started shooting at me, never got the message.
mission-4-1: same story, you have to be in the cross-fire of the lasers at the wall and the ones next to the gun, before you get the message. If you shoot the Big electric pole from afar, you will never get the message, and cannot continue the game. Actually, I shot the tower on the first island to the south, so I never even got close to the power pole on the peninsula. Also, it's kinda hard to get onto the peninsula, it's pretty close to the lasers on the wall.
After that you get the Portable fusion reactor, but not the Power armor, so you can't really use it.
Then when i got to the train part, everything was already powered down, maybe because the top chest/inserter in the energy center isn't powered.
The coal train takes you to the Power center, so I think the message-area should be centered around there.

The bad:
Not a lot, the building of the base doesn't make a lot of sense, since it's of no use, you can finish the level without it.
Then, the good:
I had fun! It took me quite a bit of figuring out, but you obviously put a lot of work in it, and it shows. I enjoyed it, and I hope a lot of other people will do so too, and make more scenarios, with yours as an example :)
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Re: TheCity - Fct story-based Scenario

Post by Kithoras »

Thanks for your Feedback.
I'll try to fix this:

I tried to set them in a way you cannot move around, but with my small Lua Know-How it's not easy to make advanced stuff (e.g. I've no idea how to skip the tower-mission if you don't want to destroy this tower)
Oh ***; just forgot this :?
Hmm; I guess I played to fast to notice this :oops:
Never thought of fishing in this game (I never tried it; so I just forgot it)
-Steal Ammo:
Hmm; I thought I prevented this
-No need for a base:
I'll think about improvements
OMG; I hate this "regrets" | "regards"; I'll fix this

Thanks for playing!
Have a nice day,
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Re: TheCity - Fct story-based Scenario

Post by CorrettoSambuca »

Is this project dead? I've been looking for scenarios to play, and this one looked interesting. Having a 0.10 compatible version would be amazing!
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Re: TheCity - Fct story-based Scenario

Post by n9103 »

A .11.x version would be even better.
Or atleast a follow-on mission/scenario that gives you a directed use of tanks (rather than the free-for-all that they currently are).
Colonel Failure wrote:You can lose your Ecologist Badge quite quickly once you get to the point of just being able to murder them willy-nilly without a second care in the world.
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Re: TheCity - Fct story-based Scenario

Post by Pascal »

I'v played TheCity Scenario.

It took me some time to let it work on 0.11.x but now its run fine. I will upload it for you.
I also had some problems because I destroryed the wrong big electric pole and there were no message anymore :(
and turrets had no power
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Re: TheCity - Fct story-based Scenario

Post by wesleytech »

sadly i cant run it (anybody can give me advise on how to install it?)
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Re: TheCity - Fct story-based Scenario

Post by Adil »

Map updated to 0.12.0
Unzip to factorio/scenarios folder.
edit: file deleted due to bugs.
Last edited by Adil on Sun Aug 02, 2015 4:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TheCity - Fct story-based Scenario

Post by Twinsen »

Adil wrote:Map updated to 0.12.0
There is a problem on
line 202: game.player.print{text={"mission-3-4"}}


Cool scenario
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Re: TheCity - Fct story-based Scenario

Post by kovinis »

can we wait for fix or not really?
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Re: TheCity - Fct story-based Scenario

Post by Adil »

Here's fixed version.
Alternatively, you can open the file /scenarios/TheCity/control.lua and edit the lines 202, 213 and 220 so that there's only a single pair of curly braces and no 'text=' (e.g. game.player.print{"mission-3-4"} instead of what Twinsen wrote)
edit: file's closed due to bugs.
Last edited by Adil on Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: TheCity - Fct story-based Scenario

Post by kovinis »

here is are bug in 265 line smtgh about player can't get item. I got it when I approach lazer turets gate and trigger to find another gate to city quest
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Re: TheCity - Fct story-based Scenario

Post by Adil »

Sorry about that. Here's the new version, I've run through it from start to finish.
(5.12 MiB) Downloaded 399 times
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Re: TheCity - Fct story-based Scenario

Post by Adil »

If someone has downloaded one of the now deleted bugged versions and now wishes to continue playing that save in fixed versions please download and enable this mod. It only contains one migration script, which should force the game to update script in save. I'm sorry for inconvenience.
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Re: TheCity - Fct story-based Scenario

Post by Kithoras »

CorrettoSambuca wrote:Is this project dead? I've been looking for scenarios to play, and this one looked interesting. Having a 0.10 compatible version would be amazing!
It's not necessary dead; I will maybe update it, as soon as I got the time and the will.
Also it seems, that there are problems with my script and the "mod" I wrote for it; don't hope for a update the next time.
But if I ever update it, I will overwork some parts and do bugfixing.
Kithoras Carzyl
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Re: TheCity - Fct story-based Scenario

Post by jockeril »

I might want to translate this to hebrew if I like what I see when I play it.

When and if I like it, I'd like to record and post it up on YouTube, if the o.p. doesn't mind.
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Re: TheCity - Fct story-based Scenario

Post by Kithoras »

I just updatet my old project. Everything should now be fine.
Here's the new Thread: ... 36&t=17009

This old thread may die now!
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