Factorio refreshed

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Long Handed Inserter
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Factorio refreshed

Post by Dark_star »

Traditionally factorio has been about 80% builder, 10% explorer and 10% warrior
The use of a great scenario like " Nauvis Post Collapse" demonstrates how factorio can be refreshed into a different game
This scenario is about 40% warrior, 35% explorer and 25 % builder. The factory is there to support the freeing of the planet and exploring.
Even with the scenario unfinished it still provides a rich challenge. Altho I disagree with having some items as indestructible (nest and worms).
+Does anyone know how to turn off “indestructible” ?
The 2 killer compilatron is ok but a real challenge espeically with the new pathing.
Food for thought, Biters can be triggered to attack terrain and any object (yes, power lines)
Compilatron does anyone know about them like HP ?

Factorio needs more scenarios like this, now just build ones.
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Re: Factorio refreshed

Post by Koub »

[Koub] Moved to Maps and Scenarios.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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