Coop map modded - lua script multiplayer?

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Coop map modded - lua script multiplayer?

Post by aweecz »


I want to ask if modded game, hand made map, and lua control script, which bring objetives and story work together in multiplayer?

Don't know what im doing wrong. Everything works in solo play, but since i start load map onto server nothing happens. Just stucked loading bar at start. Seems like something is wrong with lua. I tried to delete it and start server without. Then it's playable. Im using freeplay script where is silo option to finish game still with simple msg-print and build "this" and gather X/Y commands.

No idea what's going on since singleplayer works perfectly, do i have to add shared content then? Or some more lines to work with server to print msg objectives to all players?

Thanks for response!
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