[0.12.1]"Unexpected error" during multiplayer

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[0.12.1]"Unexpected error" during multiplayer

Post by qfeys »

I was playing on the public multiplayer that is described in this post (https://forums.factorio.com/forum/vie ... 53&t=13604). We are now playing in version 0.12.1. The factory is already pretty big (21MB) and I was trying to build the rocket. I was alone at that moment, although I am pretty sure that the server counts as a player. There had already been multiple desincs of which I couldn't find a cause.
During some gameplay, suddenly the screen freezes, I get the message that the player "<server>" has stopped responding, with a green progress bar underneath. This has happened before and it reloads the player in the map when that bar is filled. Here however, when the progress bar was about 30% filled, the whole game stopped doing anything. About 10 seconds later I get the errormessage "Unexpected error occurred. You can help us to solve the problem by posting the contents of the log file on the Factorio forums." or something in that regard. So here is the logfile(https://www.dropbox.com/s/h8g1k2n5u6rpg ... t.log?dl=0).Then the complete program crashes. I have no idea what might have caused the crash.

I hope this can help you to improve the game. The effort is greatly appreciated.

EDIT: Here is a link to the safefile from slightly before (less then 5 minutes) the crash. (https://www.dropbox.com/s/v97a8ywqs2pzv ... 8.zip?dl=0)
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Re: [0.12.1]"Unexpected error" during multiplayer

Post by kovarex »

This seems like some operating system fault related to networking.

The original error stated in your log is: Er is geprobeerd een socketbewerking uit te voeren op een onbereikbare host.

The english translation (google translate) is: An attempt was made to perform an operation on a socket unreachable host.

I'm not really sure what does it mean, but unless it can be reproduced somehow I have no idea why it happened or what can we do with that. I'm moving it to 1/0 magic until we get more info.
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Re: [0.12.1]"Unexpected error" during multiplayer

Post by jeroon »

A quick search for the translation: " A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable host."

For what I've seen so far it's something wrong with the network settings on the clients side. Sometimes disabling Malwarebytes seems to help.
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