But can't figure it out. Preferably increase gun turrets range by force, similar to increasing arty range that i have and it works:
Code: Select all
game.forces.north.artillery_range_modifier = 1
Thank you.
Code: Select all
game.forces.north.artillery_range_modifier = 1
This can't be be done per force for non-artillery turrets. Turret range is part of their prototype (within the attack_parameters property) and it can't be changed after the data stage. If the turret fires projectiles then those projectiles also have a range which also needs to be changed which also cannot be done after the data stage. Those changes would then affect every turret of that type, and force wouldn't matter. Artillery turrets have a different prototype and get special treatment at runtime.MartinMaxKing wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 12:37 pm I want to increase range for all turrets that belongs to specific force.
Thank you.