Prototypes on Wiki

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Prototypes on Wiki

Post by FreeER »

Wiki AttackReaction Page
So I took some time to look through and try to figure out how the "triggers" work now, I mostly copy/pasted my notes onto the Types/AttackReaction page so it needs some proper organizing and maybe moved to a more generic Prototypes/Trigger instead (I imagine the AttackReaction page was from an older version of Factorio but it was empty anyway), not to mention that the sound prototype doesn't really belong there lol. Anyways I've already spent a couple hours on gathering said information (I'll try to organize it better later if no one else does) so I hope someone finds it helpful :)
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Re: Prototypes on Wiki

Post by FreeER »

So I took some more time and tried to get some of the information for the missing prototypes on the wiki... there's quite a bit and I was just typing it up in notepad documents based on the property name and the value type for it. Anyways thought I'd upload the 'notes' here for anyone that wants to help update the wiki :)

Shorthand notation info-
  • name syntax is Prototype : SuperPrototype, SuperPrototype is the prototype that Prototype inherits properties from (note most of the entity prototypes do not have the SuperPrototype listed, if they have a health bar in game it's probably EntityWithHealth, and just Entity if they do not have a health bar).
  • type(x) = type with default value of x, you'll see both f(x) and float(x) and the same with doubles and booleans (just whatever felt quickest when it came time to type it out lol). You'll occasionally see a [property_name] = type which indicates that it's an optional property with no default value.
  • Errors is a list of the possible runtime error messages that can be thrown during loading (and what causes them), I do not guarantee these to be complete.
um...I think that's all you'd need to know (well, some knowledge of Factorio modding would probably also be needed...). Any questions or if you noticed that I missed something (other than map settings) let me know.
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