[Idea] Endless Ressources by replacing ressource tiles

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[Idea] Endless Ressources by replacing ressource tiles

Post by jgntrugytub »


i only found factorio a few weeks ago and enjoy it a lot. However i hate to destroy my mining outposts all the time because they ran dry.

My suggestion is to have a new mechanic where as when an ressource patch is very low (i.e. <10 ressources left), the ressource tile is replaced by an alternative ressource such as iron_con which produces a small but steady output. This way expansion is still required but outposts dont become useless.

I know of the endless ressource mod on the forum, but from what i understand it makes all ressources behave like oil, resulting in extractors producing way faster than they should at the start of a field, whereas my (more complicated) suggestion keeps them functioning normally until the ressources are actually depleted.

Im not sure if this is possible since i havent got much experience in LUA and Factorios mod structure.

As an further modding feature the new iron_con ressource patches could require a different type of extractor to produce the continuous output.

Anyone wants to try to build this mod? Or has anyone some tips on where to start if i want to build this mod myself (i have decent programming experience, just not in LUA or factorio)? Or any suggestions?
Posts: 21
Joined: Sun Mar 01, 2015 1:08 pm

Re: [Idea] Endless Ressources by replacing ressource tiles

Post by jgntrugytub »


this thread can be deleted....

Just tested a bit with the endless resource mod and it actually behaves exactly like my mod idea.....
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Re: [Idea] Endless Ressources by replacing ressource tiles

Post by Annonymus »

It is possible to do this (well, actually idk about replacing it with less efficient ores as I just started modding) in 0.11.18 (since they implemented the onresourcedepleted event), in fact, I did it because I didn't like the old infinite ressources mod either.

If you want it it's attached.

As I said, this is my first mod and I'm still learning so it may well be there are some bugs I didn't find (it's really simple though so there shouldn't), report them to me if you do.
Also please don't get angry if your save breaks or so, I tested it on oil, which is the only thing I can think of that could break it, and nothing happened but you never know and I didn't build this mod to publish it.
Consider yourself warned.

I don't recommend you to delve into programming in lua because you know other programming languages, I did it myself and I had EXTREME difficulties due to the very profound structural differences between lua and other programming languages.
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