Hello eager modmakers of Nauvis.

This is the place to request new mods or give ideas about what could be done.
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
Posts: 15
Joined: Fri Jan 31, 2020 5:20 pm

Hello eager modmakers of Nauvis.

Post by Yezpahr »

If you're looking for a little side project, I might have an interesting mod you could revive/rebuild/mimic.

It's called DarkBus: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/DarkBus
I tried to find and contact the guy, but no luck on finding him or any reference of him anywhere.
So it's a dead mod, with a license, you might want to look into it before starting...

How it works, as it sits.
This mod cheats a bit, but that's not a property I like and actually wish the revival won't have that property.
1. You manually place a belt in the proper alignment.
2. You click a button top left corner of the screen.
Done. It's now connected to the main bus (if it was possible).

What the revival should be doing is the same, but with some tweaks.
1. You place a belt.
2. You click the button (top left corner screen or wherever)
3. The mod places blueprints instead and marks applicable belts for deconstruction.
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