Developers need not see

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Developers need not see

Post by Cagbee »

Biters are a pain. Yes. And there has been some discussion of making them "Fly". But hear me out: what if they just jumped. :twisted:

Wouldn't be interesting if normal biters could suddenly lunge at you while your attacking a base or jump over a wall and then biters of different sizes can go further like small biters can 'lunge' three tiles or jump one wide impassable 'walls', and large biters can lunge 3x as far as smalls or 3 tiles of impassable 'walls'.

more of the just to make the game harder kind of people. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Developers need not see

Post by CJ5Boss »

Jumping would scare me. Maybe they could come along with an update that adds "tall walls" that cannot be jumped over.
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Re: Developers need not see

Post by Koub »

Then they would need to be able to tunnel too.
But then again, there would be "walls with deep enough foundations to get to the bedrock.
And then they would develop teleporting abilities
It would be a neverending process :)
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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