cool kingarthur,
the other day i was thinking of making a post about a new mod that we need, which would be a "Universal Recipe Converter" mod

i will post the idea on the mod idea section, with a link here, but it sounds like you may have done just the thing? though i still have to try it out to see.
the main idea behind the Universal Recipe Converter mod, is essentially as follows:
- the URC (universal recipe converter) mod, just has 1 or 2 new building entities, which can convert things.
- people can have different mods installed
- the mods do not necessarily have to designed with cross-compatibility in mind, for every mod, instead they can just be unique in terms of items if it makes it easier for modders to release new mods more quickly.
- and then people can simply play the different mods, and post a quick request (with some discussions etc) on the Universal Recipe Converter mod, to request a new recipe for the URC mod, to help make some resources more usable in other mods.
for example:
does Angels Mod make lots of Crushed Stone?
does pycoal use Gravel?
a request can be made on the URC mod forum page, to allow XYZ of Crushed Stone, to be made into XYZ amount of Gravel
As this type of mod could grow over time, a key design factor would be to lable up recipes with a unique name, for easier searching, and to have probably just 1 new Tab on the Crafting screen, so that people can bring up the list just by pressing the usual "e" key, and clicking on the tab, even if the individual recipe icons didnt allow for hand-crafting, they could just say, "this cant be hand-crafted" etc, but at least people could see what options are available.
then, over time, some more checks and balances could be added, such as putting some research tech requirements into the mix first, if applicable, or tweaking the recipes so that in the case of Crushed Stone becomming Gravel, maybe you get 1 Sand as a byproduct too.
thanks again for making a start, and hopefully this can be the start of something cool on a more Universal mod,...
aka, 1 conversions mod to rule them all
