[request] Resources from water, electricity and lubricant

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[request] Resources from water, electricity and lubricant

Post by Mendel »


Requesting a mod that would have a four phase process to make iron, copper and a little coal from water, lubricant and electricity: regular offshore pump, two chem plant phases and one assembler phase. side products in some of these phases would bring extra puzzle element.


At the moment I know of 3 ways to make resources without the constant hassle of setting up mining outposts (which is something I dont like)

First way is any and all cheating where you just get resources with little or no investment or a mod where you make resource fields infinitely rich.

Second way is quarry mod, which is still somewhat cheatish but at least comes with a cost of electricity and some resources to make the buildings.
-This is not complex enough to be satisfying for me.

Third way that I know of is... well... this madness: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=40317&p=238911
-After a bit of playing around with this, this is too complex and too space consuming even with factorissimo because of the hard limit of 255 factorissimos before running out of layers and crashing the game.

Ideally I would like something that has the complexity and cost of something between the second way and third way.
Maybe this could be done using vanilla buildings or maybe special buildings for this mod could be used. For purposes of this thread I will just call them chem plants and assemblers though.

It would be okay to limit this to working with iron and copper as main products since those are needed the most. Some coal could be a byproduct of this process for purposes of extra puzzle and plastic making. Energy is already infinite with solar panels and using a lot of energy to create uranium which can again be used to make energy would be a bit of an unneccessary loop in my opinion.

I would suggest the following system:

First phase would be pumping the water out of a regular water source (lake)

Second phase would be a chemical plant recipe to make/compress ferric hydroxide / copper hydroxide out of water

Third phase would be another chemical plant recipe of water softening to get dirty iron / dirty copper ore with a byproduct of water that also needs to be piped out/stored/used elsewhere or the process halts there.

Fourth phase would be assembler recipe to purify iron/copper ore with lubricant and with a side product of occasional coal ore so you would need your purple inserters for this to work and some coal is needed for plastic anyways so it can help. the amount of coal would be something that is not enough to make so much energy that this process would be self-powered though.

The requirement of lubricant would limit the use of this so you can not get overly ridiculous amounts of ore just from this but you still get a nice boost. In late game you would probably still get enough of everything if you just have enough oil fields, so you still need to expand but not quite as much since oil output is infinite. Tweaking as to the amount of lubricant needed would be a good way to adjust how much resources you can get.

Lastly you would smelt the ore as usual.

Total energy requirement of this should ideally be something between 5 and 10 and times that of using the quarry mod for same amount of resources.

This may or may not be realistic but main thing would be to give interesting way to solve or ease this constant expansion hassle. A solution that gives you more resources out of a reasonably hard puzzle and quite heavy but not ridiculous start investment.

Please let me know if you have the skill and will to do this or if there already is a mod like this that I am not aware of.

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Re: [request] Resources from water, electricity and lubricant

Post by MagmaMcFry »

You might want to take a look at Factorissimo2, it no longer has the 255 factory limit.
I don't visit the forum very often. If you want to contact me, message me on the mod portal for Factorissimo-related things, or on Discord.

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