[Request] Solar panel heat pipe

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Posts: 23
Joined: Thu Apr 27, 2017 5:52 pm

[Request] Solar panel heat pipe

Post by Chartas »

So the disscussion about solar panels being op and whatnot has been around for sometime and numerous solutions have been made. But since 0.15 we actually have heat pipes and i think it would be a great replacement for the current solar panels if instead of just generating power, they would instead use the heat pipe to power a heat exchanger.

Mod wise this would require that the solar panel gets a single heat pipe connector and does not produce instead energy anymore but heat. Maybe also some adjustments to the heat exchanger to work with temperatures below 500C°.

I'm not familiar with the mod api and what's possible, so if someone could enlighten me, or maybe create this, that would be great.
Manual Inserter
Manual Inserter
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Re: [Request] Solar panel heat pipe

Post by noobula »

In real life, solar panels don't generate heat, they turn light into electricity.
To go from solar to heat, a mirror has to be used.
The realism of the game is not perfect and I don't think this mod would help in this regard.
Posts: 23
Joined: Thu Apr 27, 2017 5:52 pm

Re: [Request] Solar panel heat pipe

Post by Chartas »

Well i wouldn't mind actually getting new graphics for actual solar collectors instead of photovoltaic arrays, but that would require way more work and i was interested more into the gameplay implications this mod could bring than the actual graphics for now. ^^
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