[Request] Realistic Map Colors

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[Request] Realistic Map Colors

Post by Earendel »

A pretty simple idea, have all entities specify a map color that matches the average colour of the entity's main graphic. If the entity occupies a reduced fraction of a single tile the the specified alpha value would be reduced.

The end result should be that the map would look like a heavily zoomed out and pixelated version of the game's main view.

I'd image that the best person to tackle making this sort of mod is someone that can automate most of the work
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Re: [Request] Realistic Map Colors

Post by aubergine18 »

There are already some mods that do this sort of thing, and would be relatively easy to tweak if you wanted to change colors:


https://mods.factorio.com/mods/osldgoth ... Map_Colors
Better forum search for modders: Enclose your search term in quotes, eg. "font_color" or "custom-input" - it prevents the forum search from splitting on hypens and underscores, resulting in much more accurate results.
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