[REQUEST] Placing Stone Bricks, and Concrete closer to water

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Burner Inserter
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[REQUEST] Placing Stone Bricks, and Concrete closer to water

Post by Nukerman9 »

Its been a thing to bother me ever since I played, you can only place Bricks and Concrete so close to water. I find there should something to sorta remove/fix this (if possible) i really would like something for this. Its short but hey I wish this is already a thing in the game, but hey thats what mods are for :)
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Re: [REQUEST] Placing Stone Bricks, and Concrete closer to water

Post by Rseding91 »

You can easily mod that in but it will start messing up the terrain near the water by either adding more land or making more water when you add/remove the concrete.

If you don't care about permanently messing up the terrain all you'd need to do is change the distance check on the concrete item build result in a mod.
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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Re: [REQUEST] Placing Stone Bricks, and Concrete closer to water

Post by Nukerman9 »

Generally I don't remove the paths and I have the Terraforming mod (but everything on that is expensive as hell) So where would I change the distant check?
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