Hatte damals schon die Idee, aber an mein Kenntnissen scheitert es da dies zu erstellen.
Würde gern so was haben.
http://g01.s.alicdn.com/kf/HTB15WinHFXX ... XFXXXI.jpg
also ähnlich dem Normalen aufteiler.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/m5wwslvqjr2uq ... 5.png?dl=0
Hat wer Lust so etwas zu machen
At that time the idea had but to my knowledge it fails to create this.
Would have liked something.
http://g01.s.alicdn.com/kf/HTB15WinHFXX ... XFXXXI.jpg
so similar to the normal share.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/m5wwslvqjr2uq ... 5.png?dl=0
Who does want to do something like that
Assembly line sort or divider
Re: Assembly line sort or divider
See here: Make splitters smaller
I think it is also possible as a mod, similar to the Filtered Splitters mod, just having them 90° rotated.
Ich denke das kann man auch als Mod machen, ähnlich wie der Filtered Splitters Mod, nur um 90° gedreht.
German translation: So sehr ich auch künstliche Beschränkungen mag, bin ich trotzdem von den Einschränkungen im Entwurf bei Teilerfließbändern genervt. Statt eines 2x1 parallelen Teilerfließbandes hätte ich liebend gerne ein 1x1 Teilerfließband, bei dem das zweite Band zur Seite geht.sparr wrote:[...] As much as I like artificial constraints, I am constantly annoyed by the layout requirements imposed by splitters. Instead of a 2x1 parallel splitter, I would love to have a 1x1 splitter that sends the second flow out sideways.[...]
I think it is also possible as a mod, similar to the Filtered Splitters mod, just having them 90° rotated.
Ich denke das kann man auch als Mod machen, ähnlich wie der Filtered Splitters Mod, nur um 90° gedreht.
Re: Assembly line sort or divider
its not clear what this suggestion is about. Is it
A) about some kind of belt-sorter, that can sort different items into different directions? (Graphically it would look cool)
B) a new splitter that splits as the current splitter, but is only able to split and not to merge cause he has only one input?
For the second I can say per sure, it won't come, cause that is just a new item with a ver lousy gameplay value (can do less than the current splitter).
A) about some kind of belt-sorter, that can sort different items into different directions? (Graphically it would look cool)
B) a new splitter that splits as the current splitter, but is only able to split and not to merge cause he has only one input?
For the second I can say per sure, it won't come, cause that is just a new item with a ver lousy gameplay value (can do less than the current splitter).
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: Assembly line sort or divider
Sounds to me more like B.
So 1 input, 2 outputs (one following the direction of the input, and the other going out right or left), all in a 1x1 Space.
Would look something like this:
With X being empty space, A being the input belt and B being output belts.
Like what you can see in the second and 4th link in the OPs first post.
So 1 input, 2 outputs (one following the direction of the input, and the other going out right or left), all in a 1x1 Space.
Would look something like this:
With X being empty space, A being the input belt and B being output belts.
Like what you can see in the second and 4th link in the OPs first post.
Re: Assembly line sort or divider
in so einer Situation würde ich gern den Greifer durch ein Fließband ersetzen
in such a situation I would like to replace the gripper through an assembly line
https://www.dropbox.com/s/6pti77mvodskk ... 3.png?dl=0
in such a situation I would like to replace the gripper through an assembly line
https://www.dropbox.com/s/6pti77mvodskk ... 3.png?dl=0
Re: Assembly line sort or divider
Hm. You can rebuild that situation without moving the assemblies.
You need one splitter and 2 underground belts. And you need to move one inserter.
That's part of the game to find such solutions.
No reason to add this device.
You need one splitter and 2 underground belts. And you need to move one inserter.
That's part of the game to find such solutions.
No reason to add this device.
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: Assembly line sort or divider
sorry aber das ist ziemlich widersprüchlich.
Die Mods sind voll von solchen dingen.
Greifer die auf der Innen und Außen bahn ablegen können, brauch man auch nicht, ist auch so möglich.
Filtered Splitters brauch man auch nicht ist auch so möglich.
Größere Lagerkisten, wo zu baut man halt ein par Standard Kisten mehr.
Mods sind gerade dazu da das Spiel zu vereinfachen, oder was zu verbessern.
sorry but this is quite contradictory.
The mods are full of such things.
Grab rail on the inside and out can drop, need one also is not so possible.
Filtered splitter need one also is not so possible.
Larger storage boxes, where to a par default builds to stop boxes more.
Mods are just there to simplify the game, or what to improve.
Die Mods sind voll von solchen dingen.
Greifer die auf der Innen und Außen bahn ablegen können, brauch man auch nicht, ist auch so möglich.
Filtered Splitters brauch man auch nicht ist auch so möglich.
Größere Lagerkisten, wo zu baut man halt ein par Standard Kisten mehr.
Mods sind gerade dazu da das Spiel zu vereinfachen, oder was zu verbessern.
sorry but this is quite contradictory.
The mods are full of such things.
Grab rail on the inside and out can drop, need one also is not so possible.
Filtered splitter need one also is not so possible.
Larger storage boxes, where to a par default builds to stop boxes more.
Mods are just there to simplify the game, or what to improve.
Re: Assembly line sort or divider
Solltest du das Ganze als Mod haben wollen, bist du in diesem Unterforum falsch. Das hier ist für die Integration von Ideen direkt in das Spiel. Deshalb auch die direkte Antwort von ssilk
Für Mod Ideen gibt es dieses Unterforum: Ideas and Requests For Mods [Ideen und Wünsche für Mods]
Wenn du deine Idee als Mod gemeint hast, schreib das als Antwort hier oder reporte diesen Thread mit dem (!)-Knopf oben rechts neben dem Quote-Knopf mit dem Wunsch, dein Topic dorthin zu verschieben.
If you want to have this as mod you're wrong in this subforum. This one is for integration of ideas directly into the game. That's why ssilk answered so directly
For mod ideas we have a separate subforum: Ideas and Requests For Mods
If you meant your idea as mod, post that here or report this thread using the (!)-button on the top right next to the Quote-button with the wish to move this topic there.
Für Mod Ideen gibt es dieses Unterforum: Ideas and Requests For Mods [Ideen und Wünsche für Mods]
Wenn du deine Idee als Mod gemeint hast, schreib das als Antwort hier oder reporte diesen Thread mit dem (!)-Knopf oben rechts neben dem Quote-Knopf mit dem Wunsch, dein Topic dorthin zu verschieben.
If you want to have this as mod you're wrong in this subforum. This one is for integration of ideas directly into the game. That's why ssilk answered so directly
For mod ideas we have a separate subforum: Ideas and Requests For Mods
If you meant your idea as mod, post that here or report this thread using the (!)-button on the top right next to the Quote-button with the wish to move this topic there.
Re: Assembly line sort or divider
Achso, naja hatte gefragt wohin und da wurde ich hier hin verwiesen.
Oh, well had asked where and there I was referred here.
Oh, well had asked where and there I was referred here.
Re: Assembly line sort or divider
[Koub] Topic moved to the subforum it belongs to.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.