[IDEA] Space Age, Single planet experience

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[IDEA] Space Age, Single planet experience

Post by yngndrw »

I wasn't sure if I should add this to another thread, or create a new one as it's a different take on what others have suggested. As with others, this isn't a request itself, but rather an idea that I don't yet know if it's possible to balance correctly.

Other threads/mods:
- Space-less Age: viewtopic.php?f=33&t=118539&p=633614
- Space Age Without Space: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/SpaceAgeWithoutSpace
- Any Planet Start: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/any-planet-start

The goal is to produce the same space-age experience, but generally be less intensive and over a shorter duration. It removes the interplanetary logistics and spaceship design challenges and allows you to concentrate on a single set of planet-specific mechanics. I loved my first Space Age playthrough, but it was a long experience which didn't allow me to really get into each planet's mechanics with enough detail as I was constantly swapping between them.

Rather than give you a wall of text, here's the executive summary:
  • Ability to select a single planet during generation
  • Entire tech tree accessible from that single planet
  • Space platforms cannot be designed, but are chosen using different (Very expensive) starter packs - They produce a quantity of items every minute depending on the type and quality
  • No asteroids in orbit, the space platforms are essentially just static passive providers
  • Uses the main theme of that planet:
    • Nauvis - A vanilla experience, every ore can be mined and every fluid can be pumped out of the ground
    • Vulcanus - Mostly the same as the standard Vulcanus experience, other resources must be sent down from a space platform
    • Gleba - All ores are produced via bacteria along with the standard Gleba recipes for plastic/sulphur, other resources must be sent down from a space platform
    • Fulgora - Mostly the same as the standard Fulgora experience, other resources must be sent down from a space platform
    • Aquilo - Most resources must be sent down from a space platform, additional starter items included so that it's not a tedious start
  • Every building can be built
  • Slightly different tech tree for each planet, modified so that it makes sense
  • Enemies are the same as they are for each planet in Space Age
  • Promethium asteroid chunks are sent down via a late-game space platform
  • Space platforms can send down spoilable materials where they cannot be created on the planet, these will not spoil within the space platform until they arrive on the surface - This includes biter/pentapod eggs and Gleba fruit
I think the main difference against the other ideas and mods is the concept of using passive space platforms to handle some of the materials which don't fit with a particular planet's mechanics. I think that will give more of an authentic Space Age experience, while still being shorter and more focused.
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