Since the Factorio 2.0 version added elevated tracks, and the ability to place train signals on them, I'd like to add the same ability to train stops. I have 2 options on how this can be done:
1) replace rail_signal model with train_stop model and add all train_stop functionality, also keep the train_stop view;
2) create a new object elevated_train_stop, copying the code of train_stop and adding the ability to place it on elevated rails, using the mechanics of rail_signal, for example.
[Idea] Elevated Train Stop
Re: [Idea] Elevated Train Stop
Mods don't have the power to do what you requested, and as elevated rails function currently, there's no real point to an elevated train stop.
Re: [Idea] Elevated Train Stop
It would be great to have elevated stacker and waypoint stops. But I agree it's a request for the devs to implement, not modders.
My mods: Multiple Unit Train Control, Smart Artillery Wagons
Maintainer of Vehicle Wagon 2, Cargo Ships, Honk
Maintainer of Vehicle Wagon 2, Cargo Ships, Honk