One time inserter

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One time inserter

Post by thelordodin »

Tier 1: A player could place a ghost of this inserter (or inserter itself), when he does a dialog looking like constant combinator appears.
In that dialog by default set signal "C"ount = 1

So then if this inserter moves an item it decreases the counter. When counter is zero the inserter is marked for deconstruction.
- If one sets an item in "constant combinator dialog" than inserter is filtered and moves (and decreases) corresponding values.

Tier 2: all the same but with embedded requester chest.

Why this needed?

Well, when you on other planet and need to just put and send one thing to another planet, then you have to do micro management to do so.
For example you want to send 50 solar pannels to your platform.
For now I use some circuits setup that does this.. But it's bulky (not 1x1 tile). And you can also forget to remove that afterwards.
Long Handed Inserter
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Re: One time inserter

Post by danbopes »

Have you considered recursive blueprints?
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