Hi there!
I'm looking for a way to automatically follow a different player for a multiplayer server and live streaming. Even better if the cam automagically chooses which player to focus on, but just something where I can click a button and the camera automatically follows a selected player would be great.
Are there any mods like this? if not, would this be theoretically possible via mod?
Server player cam
Re: Server player cam
I haven't bothered looking for a mod like this.
But this type of mod is theoretically possible (please note that I'm not volunteering to actually write the mod.). Try pasting some of these commands in game.
Follow selected object:
Follow specific player
Hide webcam
But this type of mod is theoretically possible (please note that I'm not volunteering to actually write the mod.). Try pasting some of these commands in game.
Code: Select all
/c follow = game.player
webcam = game.player.gui.left.add{type="camera", name="web", position=follow.position}
webcam.style.minimal_width = 100
webcam.style.minimal_height = 100
script.on_event(defines.events.on_tick, function(e)
if follow == nil or not follow.valid then
webcam.style.visible = false
webcam.style.visible = true
webcam.position = follow.position
Code: Select all
/c follow = game.player.selected
Code: Select all
/c follow = game.players["kreatious"]
Code: Select all
/c follow = nil