[Request] Quarry Drill

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[Request] Quarry Drill

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A quick idea that you can produce infinite or massive amount of stone by drilling into the earth
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Re: [Request] Quarry Drill

Post by Versepelles »

Here you go! I wrote a mod that can "mine" materials from beneath the planet's surface. You can change the amount and type of ore in the config file.
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Re: [Request] Quarry Drill

Post by Nyghtbrynger »

I tested your mod and tested items compatibility manually too. it is working fine,
I don't know whats new in your script but did you added pollution to your script ? it might be an excellent idea to balance the turtlish aspect of the game induced by a such mod and the issues caused y a pollution increase
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Re: [Request] Quarry Drill

Post by Lithorn »

If you don't mind, could we get a better balanced and more selective version? Energy cost, Pollution, ore selection, speed base with upgrades via tiers and modifer slots?

I don't mind the random ore but it would be nice if I could fine tune what ores they go after, after all this reminds me of the MFR laser in minecraft (But it had lenses to boost the chance of specific ores, like Light blue boosted diamond ore or anything that had similar colors if mods was installed)

These are my suggestions, I am happy either way with the work you have done.

Add Power cost
Add pollution
Add Tiers for better speed for more energy/pollution (Maybe even add modifier slots up to 4 at max?)
Add some kind of ore selection to help fine tune?

Thats what I wanna suggest, thankyou either way!
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Re: [Request] Quarry Drill

Post by Versepelles »

Lithorn wrote:If you don't mind, could we get a better balanced and more selective version? Energy cost, Pollution, ore selection, speed base with upgrades via tiers and modifer slots?

I don't mind the random ore but it would be nice if I could fine tune what ores they go after, after all this reminds me of the MFR laser in minecraft (But it had lenses to boost the chance of specific ores, like Light blue boosted diamond ore or anything that had similar colors if mods was installed)

These are my suggestions, I am happy either way with the work you have done.

Add Power cost
Add pollution
Add Tiers for better speed for more energy/pollution (Maybe even add modifier slots up to 4 at max?)
Add some kind of ore selection to help fine tune?

Thats what I wanna suggest, thankyou either way!
I'll add pollution and another tier. Unfortunately, the ability to add modules, power usage, or specify ores would be mildly burdensome (coding problems- the quarry is technically a chest, something which you can't power, and I'm not aware of an alternative I'd be happy with). Also, I didn't really think this mod would be very popular, but as it has grown, I'd like to make sure it doesn't completely destroy the core mechanics of Factorio, so I like that it has a mix of ores produced, to force players to come up with a logistical solution when using the quarry.

What would be the suggested recipe for a second tier of quarry? It would probably just be twice as fast as the original. I'm also interested in feedback for the original quarry recipe (too expensive, too cheap, just right?)

EDIT: updated Deep Quarry to version 1.2.0, which has a new tier of quarry and supports pollution. Click here to go to the Mod Portal.
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Re: [Request] Quarry Drill

Post by Lithorn »

Is there no way to use the basis of a drill instead and have it spawn ores? The logistics is fine and all, the issue is really that it takes a while to "swing" through the list of ores to get the one you are after. If there was a way to guide the device down a certain path, or maybe just a way to increase the chance of certain ores, hmm. If coding that is a bit too much, what about adding different types that spawn only select ores of lesser variety for even more pollution since there is no energy cost?

Like depending on mods installed , You could have a T1 Basic (Iron, Copper, Coal, Stone) With Bobs T2 (Bob's Ores) T2 Angles, T2 Ect ect. You could even have specific types of t2 for an even narrower selection like T2 Bob Heavy (Lead, gold, whatever is normally convisdered heavy), and T2 Bob Light (Like alum, quartz and so on) The real work then would only be creating categories of what is considered what.

Keep up the awesome work!
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Re: [Request] Quarry Drill

Post by Versepelles »

Lithorn wrote:Is there no way to use the basis of a drill instead and have it spawn ores? The logistics is fine and all, the issue is really that it takes a while to "swing" through the list of ores to get the one you are after. If there was a way to guide the device down a certain path, or maybe just a way to increase the chance of certain ores, hmm. If coding that is a bit too much, what about adding different types that spawn only select ores of lesser variety for even more pollution since there is no energy cost?

Like depending on mods installed , You could have a T1 Basic (Iron, Copper, Coal, Stone) With Bobs T2 (Bob's Ores) T2 Angles, T2 Ect ect. You could even have specific types of t2 for an even narrower selection like T2 Bob Heavy (Lead, gold, whatever is normally convisdered heavy), and T2 Bob Light (Like alum, quartz and so on) The real work then would only be creating categories of what is considered what.

Keep up the awesome work!
I'll consider expanding mod support; the specialization by category might not be so bad. I agree that having many mods decreases the quarries' effectiveness. However, I don't plan to update quite yet. If there is more demand for such functionality, I'll reconsider.
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Re: [Request] Quarry Drill

Post by Exavier724 »

Who needs to fine tune ore?
A little creative planning & a handy Interface & Void Chests and a nice chunk and I officially have a nice backup minerals supply :P

Thanks. A worthy replacement for the Underground Mining mod that hasn't caught up to 0.13 yet.
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Re: [Request] Quarry Drill

Post by Ranakastrasz »


Why not just make a locked assembler that creates stone?

This one is for wood, admittedly, and uses saplings for the recipe, but setting ingredients to
[codeingredients = {},""[/code] should do it.

Code: Select all

    type = "recipe-category",
    name = "gh-mod-dummy"
    type = "assembling-machine",
    name = "gh-greenhouse",
    icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/lab.png",
    flags = {"placeable-neutral", "placeable-player", "player-creation"},
    minable = {hardness = 0.2, mining_time = 0.5, result = "gh-greenhouse"},
    max_health = 200,
    corpse = "big-remnants",
    dying_explosion = "medium-explosion",
    resistances =
        type = "fire",
        percent = 70
    collision_box = {{-1.2, -1.2}, {1.2, 1.2}},
    selection_box = {{-1.5, -1.5}, {1.5, 1.5}},
    animation =
      filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/lab/lab.png",
      width = 113,
      height = 91,
      frame_count = 1,
      shift = {0.2, 0.15},
      tint = {r=0.54, g=0.9, b=0.54, a=1.0}
    crafting_categories = {"gh-mod-dummy"},
    crafting_speed = 1,

    energy_source =
      type = "electric",
      usage_priority = "secondary-input",
      emissions = -0.05 / 2.5
    energy_usage = "100kW",
    ingredient_count = 1,
    fixed_recipe = "gh-logs",
    open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/machine-open.ogg", volume = 0.85 },
    close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/machine-close.ogg", volume = 0.75 },
    vehicle_impact_sound =  { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact.ogg", volume = 0.65 },
    working_sound =
      sound = {
          filename = "__base__/sound/assembling-machine-t1-1.ogg",
          volume = 0.8
          filename = "__base__/sound/assembling-machine-t1-2.ogg",
          volume = 0.8
      idle_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/idle1.ogg", volume = 0.6 },
      apparent_volume = 1.5,

    type = "recipe",
    name = "gh-logs",
    category = "gh-mod-dummy",
    enabled = "false",
    energy_required = 240,
    ingredients = {{"gh-sapling",10}},
    result_count = 50,
    result = "raw-wood"
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Re: [Request] Quarry Drill

Post by Versepelles »

Ranakastrasz wrote:????

Why not just make a locked assembler that creates stone?

This one is for wood, admittedly, and uses saplings for the recipe, but look at Dark Matter Replicators for recipes that only use energy and time.
Check out the Deep Quarry mod portal page and you can see that it allows procedurally generated ores- I have it set to a simple mix, as that seems to be what players enjoy.
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Re: [Request] Quarry Drill

Post by DrkDragn »

Love the Deep Quarry mod... Any chance you'll be updating it to version 14 pelase please please please? :D lol
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Re: [Request] Quarry Drill

Post by Versepelles »

DrkDragn wrote:Love the Deep Quarry mod... Any chance you'll be updating it to version 14 pelase please please please? :D lol
I'll work on it tonight.
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Re: [Request] Quarry Drill

Post by DrkDragn »

Versepelles wrote:
DrkDragn wrote:Love the Deep Quarry mod... Any chance you'll be updating it to version 14 pelase please please please? :D lol
I'll work on it tonight.
you sir are a GOD! :D
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Re: [Request] Quarry Drill

Post by Sunnova »

I borrowed code from the spawn_belt mod, if you stick a small chest next to the drill quarry with one ore item, it will only mine that item. If you place an empty chest without any ore in it, or don't place a chest next to the drill quarry, it will mine what is in the config.

This only changes the processQuarries function in the control.lua, everything else in the mod is unchanged.

Code: Select all

-- Simulate mining in deep quarries
function processQuarries(quarries)
	for index, quarry in pairs(quarries) do
		if quarry and quarry.valid then
      -- look for chest next to quarry with item to mine, otherwise default to config setting.
      inventory = nil;
      save_result_ore = nil;
      x = quarry.position.x;
      y = quarry.position.y;
      chests = quarry.surface.find_entities_filtered({position = {x,y+2}, type="container"})
      if #chests == 0 then chests = quarry.surface.find_entities_filtered({position = {x-2,y}, type="container"}) end
      if #chests == 0 then chests = quarry.surface.find_entities_filtered({position = {x,y-2}, type="container"}) end
      if #chests == 0 then chests = quarry.surface.find_entities_filtered({position = {x+2,y}, type="container"}) end
      if #chests > 0 then
        inventory = chests[1].get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest);
        if inventory ~= nil
          and inventory.valid == true 
          and inventory.is_empty() == false 
          and inventory[1].valid == true
          and inventory[1].valid_for_read == true then
          save_result_ore = result_ore;
          result_ore = inventory[1].name;
      -- end of chest code
			local inventory = quarry.get_inventory(defines.inventory.item_main)
			if result_ore == "mixed" then
				ore = insertRandomOre(inventory, ore_per_second)
				inventory.insert({name = result_ore, count = ore_per_second})
      -- restore result_ore to config setting if changed for chest next to quarry
      if save_result_ore ~= nil then
        result_ore = save_result_ore;

			quarry.surface.pollute(quarry.position, deep_mining_pollution)
			table.remove(quarries, index)
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Re: [Request] Quarry Drill

Post by FurryLilly »

is it possible to make one just like this but make it to where it only extracts a single kind of ore??? possibly research a different tech to be able to choose what ore i will mine???
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Re: [Request] Quarry Drill

Post by Versepelles »

FurryLilly wrote:is it possible to make one just like this but make it to where it only extracts a single kind of ore??? possibly research a different tech to be able to choose what ore i will mine???
Definitely possible, but I think the mod is better off not doing that. Sorry.
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Re: [Request] Quarry Drill

Post by darkfrei »

charmead wrote:I borrowed code from the spawn_belt mod, if you stick a small chest next to the drill quarry with one ore item, it will only mine that item. If you place an empty chest without any ore in it, or don't place a chest next to the drill quarry, it will mine what is in the config.

This only changes the processQuarries function in the control.lua, everything else in the mod is unchanged.

Code: Select all

      chests = quarry.surface.find_entities_filtered({position = {x,y+2}, type="container"})
Why find entities, not only one entity?

Code: Select all

surface.find_entities_filtered{area=…, position=…, name=…, type=…, force=…, limit=…} → array of LuaEntity	Find entities of given type or name in a given area.

Code: Select all

surface.find_entity(entity, position) → LuaEntity	Find a specific entity at a specific position. 
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Re: [Request] Quarry Drill

Post by FuzzCat927 »

bit late on this, but I wrote my own from scratch.
Quarry mod
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