Biter Mobilization

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Biter Mobilization

Post by khaniage »

So, as we all know, the biters are kind of dumb. Seriously. If you murder half the population, then walk 100m away, they won't care. The only kind of organisation they have is when they throw themselves at you walls at nearly the same time. In the vanilla game, the only way to make the biters more difficult to fight is to increase their numbers, which, to me, gets boring after a while (even the largest biter hordes can't beat shielded Mk.2 Power Armour and a flamethrower). I always wanted the biters to be a more intelligent enemy, considering that they're some sort of huge hive-mind, instead of the pesky environmentalists that they are. My idea is that the biters would be trained in military tactics, focusing the weak points of your factory, sabotaging supply routes and disrupting the whole resource chain at the source. They would also reinforce their front lines much heavier than their back, stopping one person from running in and killing everything easily. I also think that some new biter types would be cool. For example, relays would be the leaders of the biters, leading them into battle and the ones actually RELAYing the hive-mind's orders to the soldiers. Also, some type of living wall would be cool, allowing the biters to protect themselves more effectively than they currently do. Perhaps there could be a queen biter somewhere on the map, which, when destroyed, returns the biters to their original way of chaos and carnage.
I appreciate that this would be difficult to do as it would be a complete overhaul of the biter AI. I would do it myself but I have no knowledge of coding and very little patience or time. I just had the idea an thought I'd let you coding types play with it. If you come up with anything, or there is a mod that does something similar already, be sure to link it on this thread. Thanks!

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Re: Biter Mobilization

Post by Sirenfal »

This is the most important AI mod:

If you want more difficulty besides try PredictabowlEnemies with Rampant, as well as Bob's enemies.

Anything much better than that is limited by the slow AI in this game, but this is enough to make things feel a lot better.

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