[idea] cleaner oil refinery

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[idea] cleaner oil refinery

Post by asus349 »

like i said in topic, clean oil refinery will lower
When it comes to mixing oil and water, oceans and air suffer from far more than an occasional devastating spill. but hundreds of millions of gallons of oil quietly end up in the seas and air as you play with gallons of toxic oil going to the trees and lakes and oceans and air, whats why a cleaner oil to give a new way of making heavy, light oil and petroleum gas and to the chemical plant (that make 1.8 pollution) with the pumpjack (makes 9 pollution) and the oil refinery (making a 1.8 pollution thats not so bad if you think about it but the biters think other wise...

so thats why i ask if someone could make a mod that can be clean for the water, air, trees even those biters like clean ways of building, making things and mining
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Re: [idea] cleaner oil refinery

Post by thauolar »

so your're basically asking for a mod that makes the oil refinery machines more efficient and less polluting right?

if so i could probably give it a try
in that case ill be adding another tier or two of those machines with research.
(This would be my first full mod although i have tinkered with mod making).
of this is the case ill try and work on it in the coming week or so.

interesting idea lets see if we can make it work.
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Re: [idea] cleaner oil refinery

Post by asus349 »

woot ty
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