[Request/Idea] Trash Requester Chest

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[Request/Idea] Trash Requester Chest

Post by irbork »

A Requester Chest that is requesting items from logistic network with exception to passive providers may be useful.

For hybrid logistic factory where some resources/items are never requested by machines any item send to trash slot will end up in dead storage.
When I try to set up item injection into belt to reuse those items I have robots going constantly back and forth between provider and requester chest if the storage is clear of trash.

This is my current set-up and it simply harms the production and electricity usage.

....................<-- bots constant unnecessary work <--
............injecting all plates......................providing plates so
.............from storage onto....................player can request in need
...............belt (requester)..........................(passive provider)
................==========================================> iron plate
iron ore =====================================>

P.S. Provider is set for rare occasions when one wants to request item to character via logistic slots.
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Re: [Request/Idea] Trash Requester Chest

Post by TuckJohn »

As far as I can understand, a requester chest that bots are able to take things out of would work great. I find myself wanting something like this all the time.
Perhaps it could be green, and be called a provider requester.
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Re: [Request/Idea] Trash Requester Chest

Post by Mr Sunol »

This is a problem that I was searching for an answer to when I read this thread. I just thought of this:

Bots try and prioritize storage as much as they can, so if there is already a storage chest with atleast one copper plate (CP) in it, any extra CP dumped into logistics will be put into that chest. (I think)
What I literally just thought of before making this post (so no guarantee it works)is:

Put a storage chest near your CP lines with a smart inserter in and smart inserter out, all connected by red wire.
Smart inserter IN says "only input CP into chest if it has <1 CP in it already" (so it always tops the chest back up to 1 CP if it gets empty)
Smart inseter OUT says "only output CP from chest if it has >1 CP in it" (so it never empties all the CP from the chest)

This way anytime I dump CP into my trash slots, they get prioritized to that storage chest over others. (hopefully), then they get put back onto the CP belt.
The only downside is that storage chests get prioritized over passive providers, so if you request CP, then bots will take it from this storage chest instead of your passive providers. This is why you have an inserter always putting in one CP when it gets to <1 CP. NOTE, you could raise the number higher than one, like to 50 or 100, that way when you request CP the inserter starts pumping more in before your bots take all the 100, but it seems like it is only a minor problem.

The BIG problem with this is that you can't stop your bots from putting other items into that storage chest. Now it doesn't screw up your CP line if you have a Smart inserter for output only taking out CP, and the other stuff will just chill in that box until they are requested for something. IT becomes a problem when your box gets full and you can't fit any more CP in it, so they get put in another storage chest and completely much up your system......
To counter this you can put a capacity limit on the box, so it can only fit the one stack of CP, in which case your smart inserter HOPEFULLY will input a new CP plate before the bots put any other crap in it instead. However if your supply drops and the bots put something else in there, then your whole system is stuffed up and you will have to manually fix it.
OR leave the box as is, with 48 open stacks and just moniter it to make sure it doesnt get full, after all, having other items in the box doesn't stuff up the CP being dropped in there until the box gets full, so you just need to monitor it.

Oh, the other big problem is that if there is no room on your belts, then your storage chest could get filled with CP, in that case any more CP will go to another storage chest and later on they might dump CP into that chest rather than the one near your CP line. But even if things do get screwed up like that it is easy to fix manually.
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