Version 1.0.1 ist da
Version 1.0.1 is here

Der Mod hat keine Besonderes Thema, Mach alles was mir so in den Sin kommt.
The mod has no special theme, do everything that comes my way in the sin.
Das ist aber vom übersetzer.Koub wrote:Duke, please always add English translation when you post in German.
Duke, immer anfüge English Übersetzung wann du ins Deutsch schreibst, bitte.
york2dx48 wrote:All that sounds really interesting. Have you got a first version?
You have to give the mod folder the same name you used in the info.jsonDuke wrote:york2dx48 wrote:All that sounds really interesting. Have you got a first version?
es gibt zwar eine Spielbare Version. Aber da bastle ich noch rum.
Nicht mal die Locale sind fertig.
Und momentan Schlag ich mich damit rum
..../mods/ doesn't match the Expected (case sensitive!)
.../de/item-descriptions.cfg(1): '=' character not found in line
Keine Ahnung was der will
Although there's a playable version. But since I still tinker around.
Not even the locale are done.
And currently I around me so shock
.../mods/ doesn't match the expected
DDMod TyTech (case sensitive!)
.../de/item-descriptions.cfg(1): '=' character not found in line
I don't know what he want
You can't! It's coded in c++ If you want something like this you'll have to write it yourself (control.lua).Duke wrote:w
Zu dem suche ich wo man einstellt das die items ausgeworfen werden wie bei der Mine.
To where to set which items are ejected like at the mine, I'm looking for.
DankeSpeedyBrain wrote:
You have to give the mod folder the same name you used in the info.json
Du musst den Ordner ganz genau bennen wie der Mod in der info.json heißt
You can't! It's coded in c++ If you want something like this you'll have to write it yourself (control.lua).
Das kannst du nicht einstellen. Das ist in c++ geschrieben. Wenn du so etwas haben willst musst du es selber schreiben (control.lua).