In this save, rotating the red circuit blueprint (in my inventory, not the toolbar) causes a crash. I'll post the log, but here's the relevant portion of the stack:
000000007730DB38 (ntdll): (filename not available): KiUserExceptionDispatch
c:\temp\factorio-5829127a\src\surface\surface.cpp (72): Surface::getAdvancedTileSafe
c:\temp\factorio-5829127a\src\entity\heuristicentitysearch.cpp (30): HeuristicEntityIterator::HeuristicEntityIterator
c:\temp\factorio-5829127a\src\entity\transportbeltconnectable.cpp (216): TransportBeltConnectable::connect
c:\temp\factorio-5829127a\src\entity\transportbelttoground.cpp (307): TransportBeltToGround::setDirection
c:\temp\factorio-5829127a\src\graphics\buildingrenderer.cpp (249): BuildingRenderer::drawEntityToBeBuilt
c:\temp\factorio-5829127a\src\graphics\buildingrenderer.cpp (142): BuildingRenderer::drawBlueprintToBeBuilt
If I make a blueprint with just some underground belts in it I also get a crash, though I've not tried this in a new game. This game uses the Landfill and Upgraded Electric mods, and was started after 0.12 came out.
crash when rotating a blueprint containing underground belts
crash when rotating a blueprint containing underground belts
- Attachments
- _autosave1 - blueprint underground belt
- (6.49 MiB) Downloaded 98 times
- factorio-current - blueprint underground belt crash.log
- (147.72 KiB) Downloaded 95 times
Re: crash when rotating a blueprint containing underground belts
Tbh, it sometimes crases even without rotating. As soon as i take it out of the belt game crashes.

Re: crash when rotating a blueprint containing underground belts
Afaik game tries to remember your current "rotation" flag.oLaudix wrote:Tbh, it sometimes crases even without rotating. As soon as i take it out of the belt game crashes.
So it might be rotating even if you are not doing that.
This one is a duplicate tho and it's fixed for 0.12.1 already.