[Koub] Indeed, I was going to say that

[Koub] Indeed, I was going to say that
Welp, time to pack it in, folks. Show's over, there's nothing left here anymore.V453000 wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2019 2:45 pm As you can see, the FFF305 changes are the solution we have found to be the best. Please give it a try, and give it some time to see what the impacts will be.
Was the community for Factorio even in the six digits then?ssilk wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2019 9:06 pm ... some years ago Kovarex changed the stack sizes: some stacks where 2^n based (64, 128...) some 10^n, like now.
Nobody will discuss it anymore. Most might even know about it.
The problem is this change is logically nonsensical and is on a different scale of magnitude in terms of significance compared to other changes Wube has made which some have voiced opinions against in the past.
It was around 5 years ago iirc, when 0.10 came out. I quite remember, it was the first major update I witnessed. I agree the community was far smaller (although as passionate as today's).Light wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2019 10:02 pmWas the community for Factorio even in the six digits then?ssilk wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2019 9:06 pm ... some years ago Kovarex changed the stack sizes: some stacks where 2^n based (64, 128...) some 10^n, like now.
Nobody will discuss it anymore. Most might even know about it.
I'd imagine that was before oil was even added and the overall direction of the game wasn't nailed down yet.
lacika2000 wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2019 6:36 am There are mods for a quicker start giving you some bots from the get-go... I use one of these now, as I am going for higher science pack per minute bases on fresh maps, and indeed want to avoid the duplication tedium.
I would rather not have to resort to mods to see a problem with the game "fixed" and it's not all the tedious while I'm still in red/green, or rather, focusing on what I need to get bots, most of the stuff there is simple to build and doesn't take up too much room/time to build/rebuild, it's only once I start to scale up does things get annoying, and I usually start scaling up at or shortly before blue science
Don't know what to say, I usually have ~100 con bots built before I even start on automating blue science production, and this change really disrupts the flow of my preferred play style, most are made with minimal assembler usage/a quick and dirty setup I tear down once they're made, but they've always been in my head as easier to make then blue if only cause I focus on them firstBlueTemplar wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2019 8:12 am Of course it is. There's no question that bots have been harder to make than blue science since at least 0.16...
Also, remember that early bots are slow, bot frames take a long time to craft, and personal roboports required blue science since at least 0.16.
I actually find rail road construction one of the most tedious and boring parts of the game and that's with blueprints and an evergrowing swarm of con bots. But I love it when it's set up and yeah, I'd probably be up in arms if the devs made any big changes to it that I wasn't convinced would help thingsMeduSalem wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2019 4:47 pm But just for the shits and giggles of a heated discussion this may cause... just imagine if we take the above achievement progression as the standard... and now the devs come to the conclusion "man, a lot of people quit due to the difficulty rail setups impose... let's do something about rails" and then end up axing part of the rail experience, leaving it in a rather questionable state. The outcries from all the hardcore rail guys would probably be even more extreme as they are about the oil industry.
This may sound odd, but I've never really focused on oil for plastic production, when I first saw oil (and realized oil wells don't dry up completely) the thing that really grabbed me about BOP was solid fuel and I saw oil as a coal patch that didn't really dry up so I immediately started churning that out, only making plastic and lubricant on the side. Of course once I realized how useful bots were, lubricant and batteries took precedent, but even now I tend to see plastic as something I make when not using oil for anything else (Though that's also sorta due to usually having enough crude oil coming in to not be starved for plastic even when I'm not focusing on producing it) so this change isn't that appealing to me given I no longer have Heavy or Light oil at BOP to make into fuel/lubricantnetmand wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2019 7:56 pm A way I've made supplying large amounts of metals was to make them at the mining site, so my trains are delivering 4k iron plate instead of 2k iron ore. Of course this sort of thing was too complex for me for oil outposts because there are too many materials involved, but no longer! why ship crude when you can ship petroleum:
This seems like a far smaller change in my opinion, not quite sure it's equivalentssilk wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2019 9:06 pm ... some years ago Kovarex changed the stack sizes: some stacks where 2^n based (64, 128...) some 10^n, like now.
Ah come on ssilk, like this is even a proper comparison... a none-gameplay-affecting-change to one that actually effects several recipe- and research-progression and even goes so far as to raise questions to the entire purpose of even having heavy/light oil when there is like only 1 use left for each after the change.ssilk wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2019 9:06 pm ... some years ago Kovarex changed the stack sizes: some stacks where 2^n based (64, 128...) some 10^n, like now.
Nobody will discuss it anymore. Most might even know about it.
Arguments agains change will never change.
Yeah, some of us have been saying that and suggesting moving sulfur (while in reality it seems like it comes out during the actual refining process and even then the crude may not actually be that saturated with it depending, it would make more sense gameplay wise to come out of heavy oil), but apparently the thinking of the devs is “that’s dangerous”.henke37 wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2019 11:56 pm For a proper solution, one need only look at my description of petroleum gas. All the filler items are on this branch of oil. That is the real imbalance in oil.
And rebuttals have gone unanswered.V453000 wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2019 5:45 pm Sulfur not being from PG is dangerous, because it can easily happen that the player does not have enough PG sink (for example when starting to mine uranium and producing a lot of sulfuric acid, when producing accumulators and solar panels, maybe in combination with explosives). That way it is possible to get into a situation with "getting stuck" problems even if you already have proper Advanced oil processing set up including proper circuit-controlled cracking. The only way how this could happen otherwise is with Lubricant - typically only when you mass switch to express belts ... assuming you have enough iron plate/iron gear wheel production to show the lubricant being a bottleneck.
FuryoftheStars wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2019 5:57 pm And having as much as you did on PG is what was causing the stuck issues in the first place. Incidentally, there was already a solution: solid fuel. But trying to do that much solid fuel from both HO & LO previously to keep up with the PG demands was too much. With sulfur on HO, you only really need to convert LO into SF to relieve the blockage (less PG needs to be converted due to it being used in plastics which has a much higher demand). You also could have allowed sulfur production from all 3 (same as SF), just with the better ratio on HO.
You had too place something by hand? What a shame!crambaza wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2019 9:55 pm I had to set up Blue Science by hand because I had no construction bots, because some new player somewhere who doesn't have the game yet would have had trouble with oil.
I hated it.
Such a great game is not made by winging it. They may be talented supplemented by lots of self teaching.Jürgen Erhard wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2019 12:01 pm"professional game designers". Define that. What makes a "professional game designer"? AFAIK, none of the devs are either experienced games designers or went to some game design school. They. Are. Winging. It.irbork wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2019 4:27 pmThat is pretty good then. You will have to play the game as it is designed. After a playthrough you will see that professional game designers know a tad more about game design then game consumers.Aflixion wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2019 4:18 pmI'm not against mods in general, I'm against mods that fix bad design decisions.FuryoftheStars wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2019 4:15 pm If you aren't against mods: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Pre0-17-60Oil
[Moderated by Koub]
Logisitic Carts are a lot of fun! I use them a lot before even Bob's logistics come online. And still, I use these things to transport goods on the ground between areas, where demand for what they carry is not always throughput driven. For example, where I build most military turrets (Bob's/Natural Evolution/Modular/etc); where the Logistic Carts bring in the intermediate goods these items desire like bearings, gears, electronics, etc. Plus, having these guys running around doing their work is quite satisfying.BlueTemplar wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2019 2:47 pm I prefer to avoid logibots too, as I don't really like how they change logistics to be about recharging (etc.) rather than layout...
Heck, I'd rather use logicarts instead !
As I clearly said, I'm not sure. I would need to be Wube employee to know.mmmPI wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:58 pm+ Are you sure steam sales boost factorio sells ? what about the % that is bought on website ?on Gog ? those little % don't count i guess right ? 80% of 80% of 80% is only +/- 50% .
1) You can see the impact of an influential youtuber in that there is a spike without a sale happening before or a much bigger achievement spike after a sales spike than on other sales spikes. THEN you look for a reason. You google to see if there was something happening in typical social channels like youtube, twitter, facebook. If you find a likely source (like that youtuber), you now have some information how a youtube promotion influences your achievements. Find a few more events like these and you can make good guesses how that influences your achievements.mmmPI wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:58 pm Same idea you have no way to know such impact unless you ask specifically the users to know if they were watching a youtuber and detect that no other thing that this can make a spike such as the one observed if there is such a spike , you don't need to hypothesize something like that, you need to have a way to know what can impact and how it impact the achievement for that 10%-50% of player ? this is way too imprecise to be reliable.
Yes, if the average time for new users to start a rocket is 7 months then you won't get anything out of the statistical data. Do you really think 7 months is anywhere near a realistic number? If someone buys the game he either puts it on his pile of shame, tries it out for a few minutes or he gets hooked. But most players who get hooked will play the game continually for the next days and weeks until they are fed up for good or got to the end. The average time for a new player to reach rocket (if he ever does) is likely below a month, surely not more than 2 months. Because only players that are really hooked will ever reach rocket.mmmPI wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:58 pm Yeah maybe it's 7 month that will be impractical to use, also the lengh of an average game could evolve with the update, so if you test 2 differents updates in 2 month time, and you want to measure if the average for a new player to get the rocket is higher or lower than 7 month as it was before then it's completly unusable.
Options:mmmPI wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:58 pmNo, this is an example of common mistake. If a very popular youtuber amongst the youger audience massively attract teenager this particular year ?meganothing wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2019 2:01 pm Statistic works because if in 2017 lets say 30% of new users were teenagers then in 2018 probably again around 30% of new users were teenagers,plus minus 1 to 5%(?).
=> oh but we detect this ???? => REALLY without knowing their age and who's their favourite youtuber and without asking them why they got to the rocket ? this is not statistic this is magic !
You know the reflex to have the last word? I succumbed, feel free to try to get the last word in toommmPI wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:58 pmI do not say it's impossible to use statistics, just saying that some of the stuff you say is not correct, i think you undersestimate the difficulty of what you say, even if some of what you argue make sense, like it answers the point, but it doesn't do it while being true.
The best metaphora i can come up with is this one : If i put ice cube in my drink, i can study a sample of the composition, and with math sort out the % of water in the whole drink then say how much ice was added. But i can't tell you if there was 1 or 2 or 3 ice cube, this information is lost. I could tell you that if the ice cube were from different color but same concentration of color in the ice. The information would be preserved from a sample of the drink you could say there this % of red and this % of blue and this % of yellow, hence there were at least 3 ice cube. ( maybe there was a bigger red ice cube maybe there was 2 red ice cube ) . Some of the information you cannot recover from aggregated data, no matter how hard you try. ( Maybe there was 100000 small red ice cube if you only have the drink no matter what you theorize on the average ice cube it's irrelevant.
So i think i understand how you start your reasoning, but i think you are mistaken and not seeing it ,hence i disagree for the last time after that PM me if you want to because this feel likes flooding off topic. The only link is that for me it stresses the importance of human beings expressing themselves with words for feedback:)
Wouldn't be super-hard to make them immune, but you should probably be protecting your critical infrastructure with weapons and/or wisp lights. Both work, but only wisp (UV) lights work against the purple things, and everything degenerates to a drifting purple doom every time. OTOH, like the "machines need maintenance" mod, it mostly just adds a bit of repair work.RocketManChronicles wrote: Fri Aug 02, 2019 10:42 amLogisitic Carts are a lot of fun! I use them a lot before even Bob's logistics come online. And still, I use these things to transport goods on the ground between areas, where demand for what they carry is not always throughput driven. For example, where I build most military turrets (Bob's/Natural Evolution/Modular/etc); where the Logistic Carts bring in the intermediate goods these items desire like bearings, gears, electronics, etc. Plus, having these guys running around doing their work is quite satisfying.BlueTemplar wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2019 2:47 pm I prefer to avoid logibots too, as I don't really like how they change logistics to be about recharging (etc.) rather than layout...
Heck, I'd rather use logicarts instead !
Watch out for the Will O' the Wisps mod! The purple drifting wisps will destroy your stickers!![]()