Version 0.15.2

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Re: Version 0.15.2

Post by Gnark »

Mehve wrote:
Gnark wrote:Then ... I don't see the point of barreling, Tank is 25k fluid, full loaded wagon with barrel is 10k fluid, and a fluid wagon is 75k :D
Given the x10 fluid changes, shouldn't a barrel-wagon be up to 100k now?
You are right, my bad, forgot about the 10 stack . So barreling is still better for storage and by a small amount for transport.
Wakaba-chan wrote:Why nuclear reactor consumes fuel cells all time at the full rate regardless of load? Is it bug?
That is all the point ;)
A nuclear reactor by itself is not that good, it has to be designed with other reactors and other sources of power. If your need more power you start and other reactor while your backup power is taking relay, if you produce too much you stop a reactor and transfer a part of the production to your backup power. And of course it takes time to power them up and to stop them :D
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Re: Version 0.15.2

Post by Elecen »

Is this experimental release? On Steam it's still on 0.14 version. 0.15.2 exists only in Beta. Is this correct or my steam is getting it wrong?
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Re: Version 0.15.2

Post by aka13 »

Elecen wrote:Is this experimental release? On Steam it's still on 0.14 version. 0.15.2 exists only in Beta. Is this correct or my steam is getting it wrong?
It is, friendo, although its still pretty stable.
Pony/Furfag avatar? Opinion discarded.
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Re: Version 0.15.2

Post by jixxed »

Is the lazy bastard achievement still possible with the updated recipes? I believe at least the boiler and the lab have become more expensive. I just gave this achievement a try, but I am at 114/111 to get the first assembly machine.
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Re: Version 0.15.2

Post by Tev »

Factorio "experimental" releases are pretty stable after first (two, three) patches, there are just minor bugs, rare crashes and usually sometime in the first 10-15 patches there is some issue(s) that can corrupt your save. The last one is a big deal for game like factorio, where you spend so much time on single save . . . hence the "experimental" label.

EDIT: easy workaround is to update cautiously and have multiple save backups (at least by version).
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Re: Version 0.15.2

Post by daniel34 »

jixxed wrote:Is the lazy bastard achievement still possible with the updated recipes? I believe at least the boiler and the lab have become more expensive. I just gave this achievement a try, but I am at 114/111 to get the first assembly machine.
The lab is the same, but the boiler went from 1 to 4 pipes and the steam engine from 5 to 8 iron gear wheels. This means that the minimal crafting count is now 106, if you use the starting furnace for the boiler.
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Re: Version 0.15.2

Post by Aeternus »

Gnark wrote:
Mehve wrote:
Gnark wrote:Then ... I don't see the point of barreling, Tank is 25k fluid, full loaded wagon with barrel is 10k fluid, and a fluid wagon is 75k :D
Given the x10 fluid changes, shouldn't a barrel-wagon be up to 100k now?
You are right, my bad, forgot about the 10 stack . So barreling is still better for storage and by a small amount for transport.
Wakaba-chan wrote:Why nuclear reactor consumes fuel cells all time at the full rate regardless of load? Is it bug?
That is all the point ;)
A nuclear reactor by itself is not that good, it has to be designed with other reactors and other sources of power. If your need more power you start and other reactor while your backup power is taking relay, if you produce too much you stop a reactor and transfer a part of the production to your backup power. And of course it takes time to power them up and to stop them :D
You forgot that barrels got multiplied by 10 as well for content (250 instead of 25). A full wagon with barrels = 100k fluid, a fluid wagon = 75K fluid. Barrels also allow for a MUCH higher throughput with stack inserters and the logistics net for handling them. But fluid wagons are a lot easier to set up.

So: Barrels for max loading/unloading performance - for instance from a transfer station to a refinery. Fluid wagon for lower complexity - for smaller quantities to/from mining outposts (Acid to uranium mines, oil from pumpjack outposts)

As for the nuke reactor: That is handy for base load plus a little extra. Then use Accumulators to catch shortages, and use a standard fuel burning plant to catch longer power shortages (use a switch that flicks that on once accumulators fall below 25%, then turn the fuelplant back off once the accumulators are at 75% again). You can add a small solar array as well for additional power/charging at daytime. As your constant power needs increase, add another nuke reactor.

Anyway, more good/bad/ugly:
The good:
- Blueprint saving! Now I can store my favorite patterns for later games instead of having to recreate them.
- Configurable deconstruction is also very handy. No more mucking around with misclicking and blacking out part of your defenses because your bot cuts down a power pole instead of a tree...
- Coal liquification. Nice assimilation of something Bobs Mods did, and very useful if you're in a world with little access to oil, or in situations where you just need a small amount of heavy oil.
- Disabling train stops. Oh man, this is going to make mining outpost management a breeze. Name all mining outpost the same, disable the station until there's a cargo ready... let the trains figure out where they're needed themselves.
The bad
- Coal liquification again: That it needs heavy oil to produce heavy oil however, is annoying. A recipy that needs it's own product is annoying since you can't start the process without having some of it. Just produce heavy oil and subtract the required input, much easier, prevents you from having to drag a barrel of heavy oil over to start it.
The ugly:
- Logistics System: With research now requiring such a crapload of various products from all over the production chain across more then 5 research branches, why in the nine hells is the Logistics System locked behind 5 separate research branches? You practically NEED those bots to get everything where it's supposed to go now. Please shove Logistics back to just needing the Red, Green and Blue research so that you can get your factory's logistics set up before starting higher research branches. Having to manually move stuff between chests is not fun. That's what the bots are for :x
Last edited by Aeternus on Thu Apr 27, 2017 11:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Version 0.15.2

Post by orzelek »

I need to agree about the logistics system.
Had a bit of surprise after chasing construction bots and planning around that when I noticed that getting logistic ones will need to wait much longer.
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Re: Version 0.15.2

Post by jacorem »

daniel34 wrote:
jixxed wrote:Is the lazy bastard achievement still possible with the updated recipes? I believe at least the boiler and the lab have become more expensive. I just gave this achievement a try, but I am at 114/111 to get the first assembly machine.
The lab is the same, but the boiler went from 1 to 4 pipes and the steam engine from 5 to 8 iron gear wheels. This means that the minimal crafting count is now 106, if you use the starting furnace for the boiler.
I'm trying to get this achievement, and I have to complain about your calculation: actualy you need 106 manual crafting to get the tier 1 automated factory. After this you also have to get the second tier by hand, and later one you also have to build a rafinery that need 5 different parts, so it means by hand or with a tier 3+ automated factory, but you need plastic to make it.

Tl;Dr. The minimum now is no less then 108 manual crafting
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Re: Version 0.15.2

Post by daniel34 »

jacorem wrote:
daniel34 wrote:The lab is the same, but the boiler went from 1 to 4 pipes and the steam engine from 5 to 8 iron gear wheels. This means that the minimal crafting count is now 106, if you use the starting furnace for the boiler.
I'm trying to get this achievement, and I have to complain about your calculation: actualy you need 106 manual crafting to get the tier 1 automated factory. After this you also have to get the second tier by hand, and later one you also have to build a rafinery that need 5 different parts, so it means by hand or with a tier 3+ automated factory, but you need plastic to make it.

Tl;Dr. The minimum now is no less then 108 manual crafting
This is my list for 106 crafts:

Code: Select all

Wooden pole (3)
    1x wooden board
    1x copper cable
    1x pole

Offshore pump (8)
    3x copper cable
    2x electric circuit
    1x pipe
    1x gear wheel
    1x offshore pump

Boiler (5)
    4x pipe
    1x boiler

Steam engine (14)
    8x gear wheel
    5x pipe
    1x steam engine

--> Power setup: 30

Lab (40)
    15x copper cable
    10x electric circuit
    12x gear wheel
    2x transport belt
    1x lab

Science pack 1 (20)
    10x gear wheel
    10x science pack 1

--> Science + Automation: 60

Assembling machine 1 (14)
    5x copper cable
    3x electric circuit
    5x gear wheel
    1x assembler

Assembling machine 2 (1)
Oil Refinery (1)

--> Machines: 16

30x Power
60x Science
16x Machines
106 total
I'm quite sure it is correct unless something else changed in 0.15 that I'm unaware of.
Note: this list assumes that you use the stone furnace you get at the beginning for crafting the boiler.
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Re: Version 0.15.2

Post by Kanddak »

Logistic robots have long been an overpowered mechanic and I for one welcome making them a little more difficult to obtain. The fact that players are complaining that laying out a factory with belts is too hard just underscores why the change was needed.
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