Bug with dytech transportation - underground belts

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Bug with dytech transportation - underground belts

Post by aklesey1 »

That's not bug with base fatcorio, but bug with dytech transportation
I asked dysoch about problem with underground belts mk4 - purple underground belts in dytech
Dysoch wrote:
aklesey1 wrote:Dysoch, i meet the bug when the purple underground belts do not pass the items through themselves, occurs each time differently, some times it pass, some times not, I noticed depending on the length of purple underground belts, but there is no regularity
It has nothing to do with the length of the belt, the problem is because of the distance to enter and collisions.
I have been trying to fix it, to no avail however. Will look further into it
Is there a solution to this problem? That's very good and useful mod, i would like to see improved mod in future
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Re: Bug with dytech transportation - underground belts

Post by Rseding91 »

Specifically: the mod adds super fast belts and belt-to-grounds and the belt-to-grounds sometimes don't pass items from one side to the other due to the speed the items are flowing.
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Re: Bug with dytech transportation - underground belts

Post by aklesey1 »

Rseding91 wrote:Specifically: the mod adds super fast belts and belt-to-grounds and the belt-to-grounds sometimes don't pass items from one side to the other due to the speed the items are flowing.
So the speed can cause pronlem with passing as well is length can cause problem with passing? As you can read before dysoch tell me what the collision can cause that problem
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Re: Bug with dytech transportation - underground belts

Post by Dysoch »

I have made a map for myself with a lot of belts, in all different setups. Added items to belt, and they work normally. Even after 5 minutes.

I cant seem to recreate it. If somebody has the bug, upload a save so i can see and fix it.
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