Unpowered roboport causes bots to get stuck

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Unpowered roboport causes bots to get stuck

Post by BlackMoon »

When a roboport loses power and discharges, bots still see it as a valid charging source and will hover around it unable to do anything since they can't charge.

Using bobs mods. Not sure if behavior occurs in vanilla.
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Re: Unpowered roboport causes bots to get stuck

Post by Ranakastrasz »

hmm. Is it in the construction/logistic area of other roboports?

That said, Aside from, Robots should be smarter in general, this isn't exactly unusual behavior. Robots never chose a good target to recharge at in the first place, stacking up 50+ at one roboport queuing while one like 10 tiles away has only 5. If you failed to power a roboport, I don't think this is unexpected behavior, and while you can call it a bug, I think its more of a quirk of how stupid robots currently are.

Until an overhaul of robot intelligence is created, I don't expect this to change.
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Re: Unpowered roboport causes bots to get stuck

Post by orzelek »

Ahh I think I encountered this one at some point and was like... hmm those bots are not moving. Why they are simply standing here?
Reason was that more then half a screen away was a roboport with no power connection.
It might be easier to see in bob's since they add longer ranged roboports. So you can have bot's hanging in the air in semingly random places because they decided to charge at roboport that has no power.
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Re: Unpowered roboport causes bots to get stuck

Post by Rseding91 »

Does anyone have a way to reproduce this (or a save file that reproduces it)? When I test it works as it should: when the roboport loses power all robots targeting it are transferred over to the next closest logistic network and go to the roboports in it to charge.
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