Friend has packet loss/lag spikes on server

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Burner Inserter
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Friend has packet loss/lag spikes on server

Post by kikiotsuka »

The server is hosted in digital ocean, and I can connect to it just fine with minimal lag. However, when my friend connects, often times such as when fighting a lot of biters, he starts getting extreme lag spikes and it becomes unplayable for him. The logs the server spews shows

Code: Select all

<time> Info UnparsedNetworkMessage.cpp:87: Invalid packet (type RequestForHeartbeatWhenDisconnecting) received from <friend IP>: unknown sender
This happened 159 times in a giant block.

The attached file is my friend's log files.
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Fast Inserter
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Re: Friend has packet loss/lag spikes on server

Post by AlienX »

Just some questions I assume will be asked about the OP:

What connection does the server have?
What connection speed (download and upload speed) does your friend have?
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