[0.10.2] reproducible memory leak (with forcefield mod)

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[0.10.2] reproducible memory leak (with forcefield mod)

Post by AartBluestoke »

The current (modded) game that i'm playing always crashes with out-of-memory after ~45 mins. This memory leak persists even after returning the the main menu, indicating that the game doesn't clean up the LUA memory after map exit.

shortly after opening the latest auto-save factorio is using < 2gb of ram, but this increases at a couple of mb/s and eventually triggers low memory warnings with ~8gb of ram in use. If i persist i crash in one of several ways : bad alloc (ingame message), or several different windows low memory crashes.

The reason i'm posting here, rather than in a mod specific section is that quitting to the main menu does not resolve the issue, only a full exit to windows does so, so in-game LUA content is somehow surviving the destruction of the world, which should clean up all references to it.

(i've also posted in the ForceShield v0.1.12 mod thread with the specific test case, basically force fields which are unable to deploy due to objects in the way)

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Re: [10.2] reproducible memory leak

Post by slpwnd »

Thanks for the report. Can you reproduce this also in the vanilla (without mods)? Could you post a save please?

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