So I'm playing factorio for the first time in a while and I want to play around in multiplayer. When I get there and log in with my usual factorio account, it says my username and password do not match. I reset my password too and it still didn't work, and if I try "create a new account" it says something about an ID being linked to steam or something (I'm running this on steam). I remember having this problem before, just never bothered to get on here and bring it up.
I also couldn't find anything else on this, so if this is a repost, sorry!
Won't let me log into multiplayer?
Re: Won't let me log into multiplayer?
Could it be that you mix up your forum account with the game account?
Can you log in on with your log in info?
Did you use any non Latin characters in your account name?
Can you log in on with your log in info?
Did you use any non Latin characters in your account name?