Crash with robotic arm

Bugs that we were not able to reproduce, and/or are waiting for more detailed info.
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Crash with robotic arm

Post by threeforthree »

(Sorry for me bad english)

Here it was 2:00 I play then suddenly I misplaces an arm and electric oven emptied me on an electric pole which cause a crash as the backup.

I was sent to the main menu with no backup I load the last backup at the end of the scenario with the computer, crash the game, closing the game

(I think I must have a backup car thankfully)

More information about the version used (I do not know if I'm up to date)

Alpha 0.2.8 (build 3437)

(Screen in attachment)
This crach
This crach
Sans titre 2.png (1.11 MiB) Viewed 6472 times
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Re: Crash with robotic arm

Post by MF- »

That autotranslation was really funny. Which software produces such texts?

I understand that the crash is somehow related to inserter(robotic arm) outputting to a tile occupied by an electric pole.
I have seen a lot of such situations in Velmaster's designs that, obviously, don't crash.

I am unable to work out the steps to reproduce.
Could you provide a step-by-step pictures leading to the crash?
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Re: Crash with robotic arm

Post by threeforthree » for translation xD

I replace a red arm with yellow arm without deleting directly with right clickwithout wanting it, and bam bug

I can not reproduce the bug, I hope this post can help find just where this bug is true that sometimes the program is not going in the right loop (Often seen with my software ...)

(red = long, yellow = normal electric)
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Re: Crash with robotic arm

Post by MF- »

(This time the translation was okay)

The red arm was pointing in the same direction as other red arms on the picture?
Was it holding something?
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Re: Crash with robotic arm

Post by SilverWarior »

MF- wrote:That autotranslation was really funny. Which software produces such texts?
Based on final sytax I would say the translation was done using Google translate. Google translate is quite bad when translating between lagunages whose native syntax difers a lot. That is why the final text seems so funny.

You are not using the latest version of the game. Latest version is 0.2.10. So go to factorio page and redownload the latest version as it solves several bugs which were present in version 0.2.8.
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Re: Crash with robotic arm

Post by threeforthree »

Ok thank ^^

(yellow arm is up, red arm is down)
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Re: Crash with robotic arm

Post by slpwnd »

It has been long time since this was reported. Could anyone confirm that this is still a problem?
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