Here is the log file and the save files, game crash while save _autosave3 so I also add previous autosave. I also add some of my csom mods (in mods.rar) ... sp=sharing
Code: Select all
0.000 2023-04-23 22:00:30; Factorio 1.1.80 (build 60618, win64, steam)
0.000 Operating system: Windows 10 (build 19044)
0.000 Program arguments: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\bin\x64\Factorio.exe"
0.000 Config path: C:/Users/kust/AppData/Roaming/Factorio/config/config.ini
0.000 Read data path: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/data
0.000 Write data path: C:/Users/kust/AppData/Roaming/Factorio [52222/476324MB]
0.000 Binaries path: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin
0.027 System info: [CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12400, 12 cores, RAM: 12238/32542 MB, page: 38614/65084 MB, virtual: 4339/134217727 MB, extended virtual: 0 MB]
0.062 Memory info:
0.062 [0]: Crucial Technology CT16G48C40U5.M8A1 16384 MB 4800 MHz 1.1 v
0.062 [1]: Crucial Technology CT16G48C40U5.M8A1 16384 MB 4800 MHz 1.1 v
0.063 Display options: [FullScreen: 0] [VSync: 1] [UIScale: custom (100.0%)] [Native DPI: 1] [Screen: 255] [Special: lmw] [Lang: ru]
0.067 Available displays: 1
0.067 [0]: \\.\DISPLAY10 - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 {0x05, [0,0], 1920x1080, 32bit, 60Hz}
0.252 Initialised OpenGL:[0] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050/PCIe/SSE2; driver: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 531.68
0.252 [Extensions] s3tc:yes; KHR_debug:yes; ARB_clear_texture:yes, ARB_copy_image:yes
0.252 [Version] 3.3
0.252 Graphics settings preset: very-high
0.252 Dedicated video memory size 8192 MB
0.461 Desktop composition is active.
0.461 Graphics options: [Graphics quality: high] [Video memory usage: all] [DXT: high-quality] [Color: 32bit]
0.461 [Max threads (load/render): 32/12] [Max texture size: 0] [Tex.Stream.: 0] [Rotation quality: normal] [Other: STDCWT] [B:0,C:0,S:120]
0.492 [Audio] Backend:SDL(default); Driver:wasapi, Device:Default device, Depth:16, Channels:2, Frequency:44100
2.055 Loading mod settings VehicleSnap 1.18.5 (settings.lua)
2.056 Loading mod settings WireShortcuts 1.1.12 (settings.lua)
2.056 Loading mod settings aai-containers 0.2.11 (settings.lua)
2.056 Loading mod settings aai-loaders 0.1.4 (settings.lua)
2.056 Loading mod settings alien-biomes 0.6.8 (settings.lua)
2.056 Loading mod settings assembler-pipe-passthrough 2022.7.23 (settings.lua)
2.056 Loading mod settings AutoDeconstruct 0.3.7 (settings.lua)
2.057 Loading mod settings Automatic_Train_Painter 1.1.5 (settings.lua)
2.057 Loading mod settings baron-library 1.1.19 (settings.lua)
2.059 Loading mod settings belt-visualizer 1.1.7 (settings.lua)
2.060 Loading mod settings beltSorter 0.9.1 (settings.lua)
2.060 Loading mod settings BetterAlertArrows 1.0.0 (settings.lua)
2.060 Loading mod settings Blueprint-Editor 3.1.0 (settings.lua)
2.060 Loading mod settings Bottleneck 0.11.7 (settings.lua)
2.060 Script @__Bottleneck__/settings.lua:191: working - green none
2.060 Script @__Bottleneck__/settings.lua:191: normal - off none
1945.008 Script @__blueprint-sandboxes__/scripts/debug.lua:7: bpsb-debug | Upgrade Failed, Old Entity Gone too!
1976.237 Script @__combat-log__/control/clusters.lua:82: historical cluster count exceeded MAX_HISTORICAL_CLUSTERS, deleted one historical cluster!
1980.642 Script @__blueprint-sandboxes__/scripts/debug.lua:7: bpsb-debug | Replaced 0 entities in Sandbox Blueprint
1988.387 Script @__combat-log__/control/clusters.lua:82: historical cluster count exceeded MAX_HISTORICAL_CLUSTERS, deleted one historical cluster!
2013.443 Script @__blueprint-sandboxes__/scripts/debug.lua:7: bpsb-debug | Replaced 0 entities in Sandbox Blueprint
2020.067 Info AppManager.cpp:306: Saving to _autosave3 (blocking).
2023.618 Error CrashHandler.cpp:494: Exception Code: c0000005, Address: 0x00007ff669af899c
ModuleBase: 0x00007ff668fb0000, ImageSize: 01e1d000, RelativeAddress: 00b4899c
2023.618 Error CrashHandler.cpp:500: Access Violation: Read at address 00000000000000C0
2023.618 Error CrashHandler.cpp:514: Exception Context:
rax=0000000000000000, rbx=000000eb848ff0c8, rcx=00000234d6da8c90,
rdx=000000eb848fefa0, rsi=000000eb848fefa0, rdi=00000234d6da8c90,
rip=00007ff669af899c, rsp=000000eb848fe8f0, rbp=0000023389f3b510,
r8=00000000ffffffff, r9=00000234d6d78188, r10=00000231425e0000,
r11=000000eb848fe7d0, r12=0000000000000004, r13=000000eb848fefa0,
r14=0000000000001000, r15=000000000000000f
2023.618 Crashed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\bin\x64\Factorio.exe (0x00007ff668fb0000 - 0x00007ff66adcd000)
Factorio crashed. Generating symbolized stacktrace, please wait ...
c:\tmp\factorio-build-1kjbgw\libraries\stackwalker\stackwalker.cpp (924): StackWalker::ShowCallstack
c:\tmp\factorio-build-1kjbgw\src\util\logger.cpp (316): Logger::writeStacktrace
c:\tmp\factorio-build-1kjbgw\src\util\logger.cpp (323): Logger::logStacktrace
c:\tmp\factorio-build-1kjbgw\src\util\crashhandler.cpp (186): CrashHandler::writeStackTrace
c:\tmp\factorio-build-1kjbgw\src\util\crashhandler.cpp (543): CrashHandler::SehHandler
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF80CCF81C7)
00007FF80CCF81C7 (KERNELBASE): (filename not available): UnhandledExceptionFilter
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF80F3554F0)
00007FF80F3554F0 (ntdll): (filename not available): memset
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF80F33C876)
00007FF80F33C876 (ntdll): (filename not available): _C_specific_handler
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF80F3523DF)
00007FF80F3523DF (ntdll): (filename not available): _chkstk
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF80F3014A4)
00007FF80F3014A4 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlRaiseException
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF80F350F0E)
00007FF80F350F0E (ntdll): (filename not available): KiUserExceptionDispatcher
c:\tmp\factorio-build-1kjbgw\src\surface\chunk.cpp (318): Chunk::preSaveNonRecursive
c:\tmp\factorio-build-1kjbgw\src\surface\chunk.cpp (202): Chunk::preSaveHook
c:\tmp\factorio-build-1kjbgw\src\surface\surface.cpp (911): Surface::preSaveHook
c:\tmp\factorio-build-1kjbgw\src\map\map.cpp (1461): Map::save
c:\tmp\factorio-build-1kjbgw\src\scenario\scenario.cpp (1060): Scenario::saveMap
c:\tmp\factorio-build-1kjbgw\src\scenario\scenario.cpp (946): Scenario::saveAs
c:\tmp\factorio-build-1kjbgw\src\scenario\parallelscenariosaver.cpp (105): ParallelScenarioSaver::doSave
c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio\2017\community\vc\tools\msvc\14.16.27023\include\thr\xthread (230): std::_LaunchPad<std::unique_ptr<std::tuple<void (__cdecl MapGenerationHelper::*)(void),MapGenerationHelper *>,std::default_delete<std::tuple<void (__cdecl MapGenerationHelper::*)(void),MapGenerationHelper *> > > >::_Go
c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio\2017\community\vc\tools\msvc\14.16.27023\include\thr\xthread (209): std::_Pad::_Call_func
minkernel\crts\ucrt\src\appcrt\startup\thread.cpp (97): thread_start<unsigned int (__cdecl*)(void *),1>
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF80DDB7604)
00007FF80DDB7604 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF80F3026A1)
00007FF80F3026A1 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart
Stack trace logging done
2025.433 Error CrashHandler.cpp:191: Map tick at moment of crash: 95850001
2025.470 Info CrashHandler.cpp:311: Executable CRC: 4235182039
2025.470 Error Util.cpp:97: Unexpected error occurred. If you're running the latest version of the game you can help us solve the problem by posting the contents of the log file on the Factorio forums.
Please also include the save file(s), any mods you may be using, and any steps you know of to reproduce the crash.
2042.770 Uploading log file
2042.796 Error CrashHandler.cpp:262: Heap validation: success.
2042.797 Creating crash dump.
2042.992 CrashDump success