[kovarex] [1.0] Nuclear Fuel Trains
[kovarex] [1.0] Nuclear Fuel Trains
When nuclear fuel is used in trains it burns off in 1 trip. I think it's odd that coal last longer per piece. is this a bug?
Re: [kovarex] [1.0] Nuclear Fuel Trains
Why is kovarex mentioned in the topic? I see no forum logs pointing to him or any other developer or moderator changing topic.
Also i cannot reproduce what you are saying. Please provide a save file with the issue visible. Please also check the train is not consuming previous fuel: remaining fuel bar could be due to for example wood while you have 3 nuclear fuels in the train.
Also i cannot reproduce what you are saying. Please provide a save file with the issue visible. Please also check the train is not consuming previous fuel: remaining fuel bar could be due to for example wood while you have 3 nuclear fuels in the train.