Nauvis Post Collapse wont load in 0.18

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Nauvis Post Collapse wont load in 0.18

Post by lilstrip »

Hi, I tried to update the scenario to 0.18 but for some reason the ram usage when trying to load the map just goes above 20GB and then causes the whole PC to freeze for a good 10 minutes. When the computer unfreezes RAM usage then goes down but for some reason the game will simply keep using less and less ram until it finally crashes.

It would be nice to update the scenario to 0.18 due to the optimization changes but I might need some help with resolving this issue.

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Re: Nauvis Post Collapse wont load in 0.18

Post by posila »

For me the scenario loads fine (in 0.18.24 and 0.18.26) and memory usage peaks at around 8 GB ... can you post your log?

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Re: Nauvis Post Collapse wont load in 0.18

Post by lilstrip »

Yesterday when I posted the thread I kept it short since I qas on my mobile data. Basically I am trying to make a "new version of the map in a different way. As I saw many people were confused as to how use the powergrid and train setup so what I want to do to make the map also lootable and functionnal is to play the game with certain mods and then after some time I will go around destroying some of the infrastructure to make the map even more compelling.

I started off (to save some time) by taking a save file from a youtube called mig and once he finished his playthrough I took his save and installed a couple of mods (all of which were from 17.79 but updated to 0.18) and these mods really allow me to get as close as to what I initially imagined the map should be like. Some of them are to help with performance like pipe scaling since one of the thing I really wanted to do the western part of the city was to make a giant oil refinery setup which fit within the buildings.

I know pipes cause lots of lag but if most of the setups arent turned on they would hopefully not cause issues with performance too much.

After around 200h+ on the save in 0.17.79 to wait for the mods to update I was hoping I could then eventually upgrade the save to 0.18 with those mods and then finally release a new version that includes more areas and a fully optimized train network (the current one is broken but in the editor its hard to know where gridlocks will happen once 50+ trains are running).

I will post the list of mods I used and also the save file I wish to update. If you guys see its not possible to update that save file the good news is I still have a backup of the vanilla playthrough mig made and to recover I could try to make blueprints of all the newly changed areas but it could still require some time. I havent tried to update his save to 0.18 but if I should do this first I have no problems with that.

Also I was hoping to see if adding some of the areas from the new hope campaing in more remote locations would be a problem, I've always wanted to do that but I don't know how many more chunks I can generate on this map before it really starts crapping out. One of the things I was hoping to do in 0.18 was to finally make those branching train lines to the north east and west go far out (around 1h train trips) but by generating only the chunks in the vascinity that it wouldnt increase ram too much. If making those train lines pass through deserts with less decorations is optimal in this case it would be nice to know before I start working on a doomed objective :)

Sorry if its a bit long but hope this clears out the whole situation. I really hope this map can be a mainstay with all the work ive already put into it but I really want to try and finish it now since COVID changed a lot of things... Now I actually have a good reason to come back to this hobby and the map was never fully done. I initially wanted to make coastal towns near the ocean coast and add a bunch of small communities but I really had to rush the eastern part of it. Same thing with the southern section of the ocean, never had the time to make the area usefull to play in but with the current situation and mods updating to 0.18 this might be the final step required for completion.

I have exams this week to work on but next weekend I could respond and try to fix this. I might have some time tonight to upload the files to mediafire and post the links and I will also try to post the logs in here. This week is pretty insane with school work but as soon as it is done I will have more time to gradually work on these new elements over the summer.

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Re: Nauvis Post Collapse wont load in 0.18

Post by lilstrip »

One more thing before I go, I could try to uninstall the mods in 0.17.79 then update the save vanilla to 0.18 then reinstall them. Since I have used a lot of them it might be mich much easier then I actually thought it would be so I will try to do this as well. Rebuilding all of the oil refining setup will be a pain but its way better than fixing all the train signals I borked in the original map! The good news is the majority of the map is vanilla. Really glad I made that choice early on as I always feared adding mods to the project would cause issues while updating. Its crazy to think this map has basically survived 0.15, 0.16 and the 0.17 transitions! Hopefully it will make it all the way to 0.18!

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Re: Nauvis Post Collapse wont load in 0.18

Post by lilstrip »

I will try to unistall the mods from the save and update it, if this doesnt work I will recontact you guys through this trhead to avoid being a nuissance. I think this is the best thing I can do before asking for help actually. I still have my doubts it will be this simple but hopefully it will be.

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Re: Nauvis Post Collapse wont load in 0.18

Post by lilstrip »

Fianlly having some good news in lately... So I managed to remove all the mods from the save safely and I will see if I can upate to 0.18 tomorow if I have the time.

The really odd part is despite the few amount of mods I had installed I gained a good 30% ups disabling them... I might reduce the amount mods I initially planned on having considering how drastic the difference is. Ill keep this thread updated and if it works tomorow then this will be a non issue. Hopefully that is the case.

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Re: Nauvis Post Collapse wont load in 0.18

Post by lilstrip »

Well I have some really good news, doing that actually worked! The other even better news is that vanilla this map runs at almost 60UPS despite all the stuff on it! Really glad to have made the 0.18 move! Welp, guess I will be uploading the new versions in a couple of months if things go well :)

I didn't think I could resolve this on my own but you guys really coded this game in such a way that it does wonders! Never bought a game that was this stable before!

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