[kovarex] [0.17.2] Trains in bleuprint crashes the game on loading

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[kovarex] [0.17.2] Trains in bleuprint crashes the game on loading

Post by silver_26 »

hello i was in my old map
and i thought of blueprinting the trains
and loading them in my new map

i did a few trains and i walked away with the blueprint open and the game crashed
after that i tried again
BP a few trains and then the game crached again
and now i can not load that save file
it crashes on finished load

here is the file from the crash
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Re: 17.2 Trains in bleuprint crashes the game on loading

Post by kovarex »

Hello, I tried to reproduce it, but I couldn't.

Could you give a clear way to reproduce the bug? (Maybe by providing the original save and exact steps to do to break it)
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Re: [kovarex] [0.17.2] Trains in bleuprint crashes the game on loading

Post by silver_26 »

last time i made 9 blueprints and about then the game crashed…

what i did
1. i loaded my old map
and via the map view i picked a train (iron ore) train. and via the train map view I went to my main hub
and made a temporally station.
2. I removed the 5 sec and changed it to wait for player while the train was on the way ( sinds 5 sec is default )
3. I waited for the train to stop in frond of me
4. I put in 50 coal, 50 solid. 1 nuclear fuel ( frond and back ) ( 1-4-1 trains )
5. with out knowing I left the temporally station in the list I made a blueprint
containing 1 loco, 4 wagons, 1 loco, and 21 train tracks
6. I named it ( iron ore train 1-4-1 ) and I set the train logo and train track. saved the blueprint and moved it in a blueprint book
7. I removed the coal and solid fuel and I got in the train and out so the train would continue on its route
8. I did this 9 times and the game crashed

I just made 10 blueprints but I did removed the temporally station and it did not crash
last time the game crashed 4 times on me and 1 time I could not load back in the save file I was busy on

but I was not able to do it again sinds I just made 10 blueprints
i still need to make more blueprints of trains,

ill keep you updated if it happens again

ps. the file i send with it did not help or wrong file ?
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Re: [kovarex] [0.17.2] Trains in bleuprint crashes the game on loading

Post by silver_26 »

i don't know whats going on...
i made my post and this time i removed all temporally stations from the trains
the game did not crash i made 10 blueprints of trains
put them in a book and saved the game...

trying to replicate the bug then i saved and had some dinner and watched a movie
and now... i want to continue with making blueprints for trains
and the game crashes on loading

so i will sent you the save file itself
hope you can make heads or tails

i cant upload the game file on the site...
it says
Error parsing server response.

so i had to upload it at uploadfile.io

Name: _autosave2 ( crashes )
Size: 64.3 MB

Name: _autosave5 ( playable )
Size: 64.5 MB

as i am writing this i wanted to upload a other save file i made seconds befor
and now the game does not want to start at all...
it says
could not move file " factorion current.log "
another instance of factorion is probably already running

after removing the file " factorion current.log " from Appdata folder
the game does launch again

edit edit:
after removing the file " factorion current.log " from Appdata folder
the game launched and sinds i get patch notes from 17.3
i exited the game so it would not show up again
now the game crashes again on launch
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Re: [kovarex] [0.17.2] Trains in bleuprint crashes the game on loading

Post by silver_26 »

so here is the new " factorion current.log "
that crashes the game on launch
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Re: [kovarex] [0.17.2] Trains in bleuprint crashes the game on loading

Post by kovarex »

We fixed bug related to loading a schedule in a blueprint recently, so it might be fixed in 0.17.6
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