[0.16.51] New pumpjacks don't get mining prod bonus

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[0.16.51] New pumpjacks don't get mining prod bonus

Post by Theanderblast »

Using the Creative Mode mod, I've been studying the production rate of mining drills and pumpjacks (in support of a future update to my Max Rate Calculator mod).

I put down a pumpjack on a maxed out oil patch (so we run into the max 100 run), and put Speed 3 modules in it, and put some beacons around it with Speed 3.

I then research mining productivity bonus, going from zero to 20%.

The productivity graph in the game shows the crude-oil being produced at the rate my calculations would expect.

If I pick up the pumpjack, and put it down again (and put the Speed 3 modules back in), the graph shows it's running at 0.8333 of what it had been doing before. 1/0.8333 = 1.2

I can post some pictures and numbers if it's helpful, but I think it's pretty easy to reproduce.
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Re: [0.16.51] New pumpjacks don't get mining prod bonus

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report however I can't reproduce what you're saying. Can you still reproduce this? If so, can you do it without any mods?
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Re: [0.16.51] New pumpjacks don't get mining prod bonus

Post by TruePikachu »

Could this potentially be related to the fluidbox update order? What happens if you, _in this specific order_:
  1. Place the power, beacons, and beacon modules
  2. Place the pumpjack+modules (pumpjack fills up its internal fluidbox then stops)
  3. Place the fluid void (pumpjack operates continuously)
  4. Measure current production (this measurement would be when the void's fluidbox is newer than the pumpjack's fluidbox)
  5. Remove the pumpjack
  6. Replace the pumpjack+modules (pumpjack operates continuously)
  7. Measure current production (this measurement would be when the pumpjack's fluidbox is newer than the void's fluidbox)
  • If both measurements yield the same production, there could be some sort of bug with the productivity bonus
  • If both measurements yield different production, the difference is due to the fluidbox update order, which is a known issue that may or may not be resolved in 0.17
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Re: [0.16.51] New pumpjacks don't get mining prod bonus

Post by Theanderblast »

I can reproduce with only the Creative Mode (0.16 Fix) mod. Doing it with no mods will take a bit more time.

Still running 0.16.51

Create a passive world.
Enable creative mode cheats
Set the magic wand to create maximally rich oil deposits and create some. They'll say Yield: 3333%
Use Creative to reset all technologies back to zero.
Turn on instant research in Creative.
Research oil tanks and oil production
Place a pumpjack on one of the oil.
Pumpjack should feed an oil tank, which should feed a Matter Void.
Power the pumpjack, using Creative's Active power source.
Image https://imgur.com/iSh2Trt
Research Mining Productivity, up to level 20. Bonuses dialog should say "Mining productivity: +40%".
Let it run for a few minutes.
1 minute graph shows production at 8.3k-8.4k/m
Remove the pumpjack and replace it.
After 1 minute the production graph shows 7.2k/m
10 minute graph: Image https://imgur.com/iSh2Trt

This test requires no beacons or modules, but when I use them, I still see this result
Last edited by Theanderblast on Mon Jan 07, 2019 11:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [0.16.51] New pumpjacks don't get mining prod bonus

Post by Theanderblast »

TruePikachu wrote: Mon Jan 07, 2019 4:35 am Could this potentially be related to the fluidbox update order? What happens if you, _in this specific order_:
  1. Place the power, beacons, and beacon modules
  2. Place the pumpjack+modules (pumpjack fills up its internal fluidbox then stops)
  3. Place the fluid void (pumpjack operates continuously)
  4. Measure current production (this measurement would be when the void's fluidbox is newer than the pumpjack's fluidbox)
  5. Remove the pumpjack
  6. Replace the pumpjack+modules (pumpjack operates continuously)
  7. Measure current production (this measurement would be when the pumpjack's fluidbox is newer than the void's fluidbox)
  • If both measurements yield the same production, there could be some sort of bug with the productivity bonus
  • If both measurements yield different production, the difference is due to the fluidbox update order, which is a known issue that may or may not be resolved in 0.17
My test feeds the mattervoid indirectly - through an oil tank. I found if I fed directly into the matter void, the production numbers made no sense - the matter void was limiting the pumpjack.
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Re: [0.16.51] New pumpjacks don't get mining prod bonus

Post by TruePikachu »

The indirect feeding will 100% cause differences based on the fluidbox order. Maybe a better way to test could involve feeding into a pump?
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Re: [0.16.51] New pumpjacks don't get mining prod bonus

Post by Theanderblast »

I also did not notice the phenomenon if the mining productivity bonus was zero, even if I beacon'd and moduled the pumpjack.
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Re: [0.16.51] New pumpjacks don't get mining prod bonus

Post by TruePikachu »

Right now, my suggestion for testing would be to have two setups (one before the prod research and one after), and measure oil production per setup by feeding into a massively sped up assembling machine that fills barrels, and counting output barrel flow. Do note that, in each setup, the assembling machine needs to be placed after (or before; one or the other) the pumpjack, in order to isolate fluid update order from causing issues.

It would be nice if there was a more direct way of measuring fluid throughput, maybe a possible feature request would be to read fluids from a pump? I'll think about this more before making an official feature request.
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Re: [0.16.51] New pumpjacks don't get mining prod bonus

Post by Theanderblast »

The setup I'm using seems to match what I calculate the output should be by hand, and with the changes I've got pending to my Max Calculator mod.

That the degradation doesn't occur when the mining productivity bonus is zero (even when sped up with beacons) seems to indicate that it's not being applied for newly based pumpjacks.
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Re: [0.16.51] New pumpjacks don't get mining prod bonus

Post by Rseding91 »

Theanderblast wrote: Tue Jan 08, 2019 12:31 am The setup I'm using seems to match what I calculate the output should be by hand, and with the changes I've got pending to my Max Calculator mod.

That the degradation doesn't occur when the mining productivity bonus is zero (even when sped up with beacons) seems to indicate that it's not being applied for newly based pumpjacks.
It is. You can tell by just looking in the GUI. If it has the productivity bar when you open it, it's being applied.
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Re: [0.16.51] New pumpjacks don't get mining prod bonus

Post by Theanderblast »

Rseding91 wrote: Tue Jan 08, 2019 4:44 pm
Theanderblast wrote: Tue Jan 08, 2019 12:31 am The setup I'm using seems to match what I calculate the output should be by hand, and with the changes I've got pending to my Max Calculator mod.

That the degradation doesn't occur when the mining productivity bonus is zero (even when sped up with beacons) seems to indicate that it's not being applied for newly based pumpjacks.
It is. You can tell by just looking in the GUI. If it has the productivity bar when you open it, it's being applied.
What do you think of the production graph in my post above?
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Re: [0.16.51] New pumpjacks don't get mining prod bonus

Post by Rseding91 »

Theanderblast wrote: Tue Jan 08, 2019 5:18 pm What do you think of the production graph in my post above?
I never looked at them. The production graphs are mostly meaningless since they're averaging over the given timespan. Seeing the output of a connected fluid tank being less than another one is what I need to see.

Because looking at the code for the mining drill I can say with 100% sure that the force-based-bonus is properly set on newly built pumpjacks. I'm not saying there isn't some bug somewhere else but it isn't related to setting the bonus on newly built pumpjacks.

Pumpjacks and standard mining drills are the exact same entity running the exact same logic and you can *easily* see standard mining drills get the bonus applied when built.
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Re: [0.16.51] New pumpjacks don't get mining prod bonus

Post by Theanderblast »

If you let the production graph run for the full time period for the graph (I typically use 10 minutes), there's a number at the top that shows the average production rate in units/minute.

The number the production graph shows is 8.4k/min before you remove and replace the pumpjack.

In this example, with the oil patch being that rich, the yield goes to a minimum of 100. That leaves the amount produced per second being
100 * (1 + 0.40 (productivity) + 0 (module effects) + 0 (beacon effects)

When you remove and replace the pump jack the production graph, when you let it run for the full time period, the number plummets to 7.2k/min.

So, I guess I was wrong - the productivity bonus is not being ignored, but being halved?

In both cases the productivity shown on the right side of the screen when you hover the cursor over is 40%.

Perhaps your suggesting that productivity graph is lying?

I can do some tests with barrelling the output and counting the barrels as TruePikachu suggests, but in any case it sure looks like there's something odd going on.

I just ran a test where I

un-powered the system
removed the matter void,
replaced the oil tank and
placed a second pumpjack feeding a tank
re-powered the system

The original pumpjack's tank is filling faster than the newly placed one.
Both pumpjacks show the same numbers on the right. Productivity 40%, Mining power:2 Mining Spee 1, Expected resources 333/s (that number being bogus since oil resource extraction is maxed out at 100).
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Re: [0.16.51] New pumpjacks don't get mining prod bonus

Post by TruePikachu »

When you built the second system, you made sure the build order of all entities with fluidboxes was maintained, correct? I might have to find time to do some testing of my own.

If someone can replicate this in a fully vanilla instance (using vanilla entities instead of creative mod equivalants), and it persists between a save/load cycle, please upload the save.
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