Quickly will explain this if you need more info/report/logs you might have too wait.
OS: mac
Game: via steam
Server: headless on windows
Brief issue:
Taking a blueprint causes a desync, which re-connects after saving local variant and a re-download x3-4 bigger then save
When taking a blueprint of a robot moduled furnace setup the game would de-sync me off of my own server,
This happened on a direct connect on a local LAN and over the internet when a distance away, you see the blueprint for a split second and the game de-syncs upon returning to the server the blueprint is in your hand still with the editor screen open before the blueprint is saved
The issue appears when I take a full copy of the modular piece and not when taking part of the blueprint
To re-create it I placed the blueprint and built it. Destroyed current one and re-blueprinted, again same issue
Place one substation down, in parrellel run furnaces down ether side of it, productivity modules in furnaces and beacons with speed modules starting and ending on the outside of the substation, creating a blueprint that the one subastaion entirely powers and all items are within the power zone (no overlap) inserters are stack inserters with a requester and active provider
I have access to the server but no local de-sync reports on the mac as I'm away now
If you request more info I'll do my best too assist
(15.34) desync when taking a blueprint
Re: (15.34) desync when taking a blueprint
For what is needed see here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3638